
The Stolen Artifacts

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome, travellers!

Warcraft II: The Stolen Artifacts

Warcraft II: The Stolen Artifacts is an expansion that derives from the videogame Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness. The game is set after the events of Tides of Darkness, in which a small group of the Azeroth's army must expedition to a now destroyed Draenor to find the legendary alliance expeditioners that became trapped in Draenor, and defeat the evil Ner’zhul, by retrieving one of the four artifacts he stole from Azeroth.

The player must command this expedition in an RTS dungeon crawler game in which they must recover the stolen artifacts by rescuing the lost expeditioners Alleria and Turalyon.

The team: DevCrumbs

DevCrumbs is an independent video game company based in Terrassa, Catalonia. Born from a university project, it is formed by a group of students from the second year of the Bachelor's degree in Video Game Design and Development (UPC). Although each member of the team has been involved in similar projects before, we are currently working on our first game together. The overall aim of the company is to create enjoyable gaming experiences, a unique kind of work that we are passionate about. If we are able to feed your imagination, our mission will be accomplished!

Version 1.0

The goal of the player in this gold version is to rescue two prisoners - Khadgar and Alleria. The prisoners are hidden somewhere in a dungeon full of enemies. In order to complete this objective, the player will have to create troops and command them towards victory. If the player loses all their troops and has no gold to produce more, or their Town Hall is destroyed, they will lose the game.

Instructions on installation:

  • Open "The Stolen Artifacts.exe" executable inside the decompressed folder.
  • Play! (No need for any additional installation)

Version changes


  • Map with random organized rooms (pressing keyboard button 1 to reorganize).
  • Buildings dropdown.
  • Pressing keyboard button to return to base.
  • Moving camera with arrow keys.


  • Camera culling.
  • Constructing buildings selecting them through the buildings dropdown. Buildings that can be built:
    • Chicken Farm
    • Stables
    • Gryphon Aviary
    • Mage Tower
    • Scout Tower
  • Right button for cancelling the building construction.
  • Buildings information is displayed when placed.
  • Static entities from the map are charged from tiled.


  • Construction process for the buildings
  • Debug buttons for decreasing each building's life.
  • Hover upgrade and repair buttons on the buildings.
  • Building process information displayed when a building in process of construction is selected.


  • Screen size changed to 800x600.
  • Main menu.
  • Settings menu.
  • Starting unit management.
  • Enemy units charged in the map through tiled.
  • Gold System implemented.
  • Gold mines give you some gold.
  • Base buildings (barracks and town hall).
  • Barracks and town hall upgrades.
  • Building fix feature.
  • Building construction and destruction and proper preview building placement.
  • Scout tower attacks orcs.


  • Added music and sounds.
  • Restructured main menu and settings.
  • Pause menu implemented.
  • Unit life bars.
  • Unit hierarchy implemented.


  • 5 different maps to play in. The map is chosen ramdomly at the start of the game bettween the five.
  • Unit movement.
  • Unit attack.
  • Player units patrol.
  • Units now spawn from the barracks.
  • Mini map implemented. The mini map shows:
    • The map.
    • Player units.
    • Enemy units.
    • Player buildings.
    • Enemy buildings.
    • Neutral buildings.
  • Camera movement with the mouse (moving the mouse to the borders of the screen).
  • Runestone functionality.
  • Chicken Farm functionality.
  • Placing buildings only on base and in walkable tiles.
  • Sheeps and boars heal functionality.
  • Three tipes of towers for the allies and the enemies.
  • Prisioner rescuing for the win condition.
  • Losing the game when the player loses all their units and has no money to produce more.


  • Moving camera with the mouse and the arrow keys.
  • The units now enter the mine to gather gold.


  • New units added: Gryphon Riders (allies) and Dragons (enemies).
  • Moving the Mini map with the mouse.
  • Zooming Mini map (with TAB).
  • Footmans and Archers can attack buildings.
  • Enemies wander.
  • Enemies attack to player when allied units in their sight.
  • Allied units autonomus attack when enemy unit in sight.
  • Camera can be moved now also with WASD.
  • Change of the debug keys position.


  • Fog of War implemented.
  • Enemy waves in base every 4-5 minutes.
  • Enemy units attack buildings when in player base.
  • Lose condition when the player gets their Townhall destroyed.
  • Town Hall upgrade has influence on the construction of the Gryphon Aviary now.
  • The Mini map now has a button in-game to zoom it in.
  • In-game buttons and hotkeys (Z, X and C) for selecting all the units of a certain type on screen.
  • More feedback on when the player cannot make an action, like creating a unit.


  • Fullscreen at startup.
  • Balancing of the enemy waves, unit triangle and map enemy placing.
  • More visual and auditive feedback in the player interactions.


  • 5 different maps to play on.
  • Different difficulty levels.
  • Waves of enemies to base every 4-5 minutes.
  • Three types of units for the player and three types of enemies.
  • Completley functional mini map.
  • Completley functional fog of war.


  • Save & Load feature.
  • Keys redefinition feature.
  • Soften the Fog of War.
  • Fortress on the final prisioner area.
  • Game balancing.
  • Enemy spawn on some rooms (they only spawn to a certain number).
  • Enemy reconstruction of their buildings.
  • Artifact number count.

Default Controls

You can modify most of the controls from the setting menu

Space: Go to player base Up arrow or W: Move the camera up Down arrow or S: Move the camera down Left arrow or A: Move the camera left Right arrow or D: Move the camera right Mouse movement: Moving the mouse to the border of the screen, moves the camera in the direction of the border

Z: Select all Footman on screen (max 8 units) X: Select all Elven Archer on screen (max 8 units) C: Select all Gryphon Rider on screen (max 8 units) V: Select all units on screen (max 8 units)

Q: Move the camera to the units selected

Left/Right Ctrl + 1/2/3: Save a group of units to a slot Left/Right Shift + 1/2/3: Select a saved group of units from a slot

For the minimap:

TAB: Change minimap zoom Mouse Left click: Move camera to the pressed location Mouse Right click: Send a group of units to a destination

For the units:

Mouse Left click: Select a group of units Left/Right Shift + Mouse Left click: Unselect unit/s from the units selected group Left/Right Ctrl + Mouse Left click: Add unit/s to the units selected group

Mouse Right click: Send a group of units to a destination Mouse Right click On an enemy or a critter: attack the enemy/critter Mouse Right click On a Gold Mine or Runestone: (if there is a unit nearby) collect the gold / heal the units

N: Set command patrol to the units selected (click a tile to patrol there) M: Stop the units selected

For the buildings:

B: Open the building dropdown After opening the building dropdown in the top right of the screen: Mouse Left click: Place a building somwhere Mouse Right click: Delete the preview building from the view of the player

Debug controls

F9: debug mode

If debug mode is on: KEYPAD Buttons - : -20 HP to last Chicken Farm created * : Get + 500 gold / : Get +3 food + : Show/hide Fog of War . : Show/hide Fog of War sprites' distribution 1: Spawn a Footman at mouse position 2: Spawn an Elven Archer at mouse position 3: Spawn a Gryphon Rider at mouse position 4: Spawn a Grunt at mouse position 5: Spawn a Troll Axethrower at mouse position 6: Spawn a Dragon at mouse position 7: Spawn a sheep at mouse position 8: Spawn a boar at mouse position 9: Spawn Alleria 0: Spawn Turalyon

F5: Direct win
F6: Direct lose
F7: Spawn a new enemy wave (in player base)
F8: Activate or stop the spawn of waves
F10: Show/hide colliders
F11: Show/hide group movement

Game system

To create buildings or units the player must get gold and food. Every unit costs a unit of food and every unit and building has a set number of gold cost.

  • To get gold the player can get it in a gold mine or by killing enemies.

  • To get more food, the player can build chicken farms. Every chicken farm gives the player one unit of food.

  • The player can also heal themselves if they go to a runestone and click it.

Win/lose condition

  • The player will win the game if they are able to rescue the two prisioners in the map and the enemies haven't destroyed they Town Hall.

  • The player will lose the game if they are out of units and they have no gold to produce more, or if their Town Hall in the base is destroyed.


There are five levels for the player to choose in bettween. Two of them are easy, two of them have a medium difficulty and the other one has a hard difficulty.

  • The easy levels give the player more amout of gold in mines and have less intense attacks to the base.

  • The normal levels have a normal amount of gold given to the player, and have more intense attacks to base.

  • The hard level gives the player the same amount of gold as with the normal levels, but doesn't give them gold when killing enemies. Also, the attacks to base are the more intense out of the three difficulties.

About the units

If the player clicks the barracks, and they have enough gold or food, the player creates units. The units that they can create are:

Footman: 500 gold The footman is a melee attack unit.

Elven Archer: 400 gold The elven archer is a long range atack unit.

Gryphon Rider: 750 gold The Gryphon rider is an aerial unit. Gryphon Riders cannot rescue prisioners. IMPORTANT: Gryphon Riders can only be created in the Gryphon Aviary

The units can move towards a tile or a target to attack it or patrol the area.

Unit specific buttons:

  • Patrol: To patrol the area.
  • Stop: to stop the unit on its tracks.

The enemy units are Grunts, Troll Axethrowers and Dragons, which are the counterpart to the three main enemy units.

About the buildings

When the player selects a building in the buildings dropdown, a preview of the building will be shown where the player's mouse is. If the building can be placed where the mouse is, it will be indicated with green tiles, if not it will be indicated with red tiles. The player can only place a building in the player's base and where there are walkable tiles in the map, and where there's not another unit or building in the map

The player can build:

Chicken farms: 500 gold They give the player 4 units of food.

Barracks: 1000 gold The barracks can spawn Footmans and Elven Archers if the player has enough gold. (They can only be built if there aren't any other Barracks on the map)

Gryphon Aviary: 400 gold This allows the player to spawn Gryphon Riders if they have enough gold (it needs the Townhall upgrade to be built). (They can only be built if there aren't any other Gryphon Aviarys on the map)

Scout Tower: 400 gold Guard Tower: 600 gold Cannon Tower: 800 gold They attack enemy units that are in base.

TOWN HALL: The Town Hall is a special building that the player cannot build. It can be upgraded to a Keep that allows the player to build a Gryphon Aviary. If the player loses this building to an enemy attack they will lose the game.

There are many enemy buildings scattered throughout the map. Be careful because there are several orcish towers that can attack you! There's also barrack buildings in some rooms that spawn enemeies to a certain number, so destroy those buildings as soon as you can.

Building buttons

Every building has a set of buttons when they are selected. Normal buildings like Chicken Farms and Towers will only have a destroy building button, that destroys the building, in case the player has built the building in an inconvinient place.

The production buildings, being the Barracks and the Gryphon Aviary have the pertinent creation units buttons. They create the pertinent unit that the player selects, if they have enough gold.

The Town Hall has an upgrade button, that allows the building to upgrade to a Keep.

Room clear

If the player clears a room of enemies and enemy buildings, they will get a message conforming they have cleared the room, and thay will be recompesned with a generous amount of gold.

Mini map

There's a mini map in the top left side of the screen that shows:

  • Enemy troops (red)
  • Enemy buildings (dark blue)
  • Allied troops (liight blue)
  • Allied buildings (dark blue)
  • Gold mines and Runestones (yellow)

Enemy waves to base

Every 4-5 minutes, enemy troops will arrive to the player's base in a ship to destroy their buildings, but mostly the townhall. Remember that if your townhall is destroyed YOU WILL LOSE THE GAME. The number of ships and enemies that arrive to the base in every wave depends on the difficulty level that the player has chosen, but there will never be more than three boats per wave and more than six enemies per boat. When the wave is finished the player will be recompensed with gold.

The artifacts

There are four artifacts present in the game. The player will get one artifact or another depending on how much time they spend beating the level. The four artifacts are:

  • Book of Medivh: Less than 18 minutes to complete the level.

  • Skull of Gul'dan: Less than 20 minutes to complete the level.

  • Eye of Dalaran: Less than 25 minutes to complete the level

  • Scepter of Sagreras: More than 25 minutes to complete the level

Good luck on getting the Scepter of Sagreras!

Tools used

  • IDE: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (C++)
  • SDL 2.0, pugixml 1.8
  • Level edition: Tiled
  • Profiler: Brofiler
  • Graphics edition: Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Paint

Art used

Some of the art used is from Warcraft II™, that is a Blizzard property. We don't own all the art of the game. We only own the main menu, king Terenas, Kadghar and Alleria art, that are made by Manav Lakhwani and David Varela.


All the art of the original Warcraft II that we used is all found in this web page:


All the music and sounds of the original Warcraft II we used os aññ found in this web page:


About us

In order to cover all the areas needed to fulfill the project, each of us has a different responsability in the team. Despite that, we all will be working in those areas which request more dedication and helping each other to achieve the best results on time.

Lead: Sandra Alvarez

Management: Manav Lakhwani

Art/Audio: David Varela

Code: Óscar Hernández

Design: Joan Valiente

QA: David Valdivia

UI: Aleix Gabarró