This is the DevCycle JS SDK Monorepo which contains all the Javascript-based SDKs and public shared packages used by DevCycle products.
To view the README for a specific SDK, navigate to that SDK inside the sdk
There are several examples included in this repository for various SDKs. If you want to run them, proceed to setup:
Ensure you have Node 20.x installed.
- Clone this repo
- Run
from the root directory. SDKs and examples should now be set up to run via Nx. - Run
aws configure sso
- Run
aws sso login
- contains example applications using each SDK
- contains shared Javascript libraries
- contains all scripts that are not service or task specific
- contains all SDKs
To run an example, use the yarn start
command with the name of the example you want to run:
yarn start example-react-with-provider
The names of the examples are listed in the workspace.json
file at the root of the repository. All examples are
located in the root-level examples/
The repo is managed using Nx
, a monorepo management tool. It's worth reading their docs here:
Every project in the repo is listed in the workspace.json
file. Each of these projects will let you run common Nx
commands against them. For example, to test the "nodejs" project, run:
nx test nodejs
These commands can be run from the root directory, but should work in any directory.
The full list of relevant Nx commands is below:
build - build the compiled Webpack output of the project
serve - build and then run the compiled project
test - run the tests using jest
lint - run linting
format:write - run prettier against the project and write all formatting changes
There are also several root-level yarn commands for running services:
yarn start - start all services in the repo
yarn start:partial - start the services you specify (eg. yarn start:partial api,config)
yarn test - run all tests in the repo
yarn lint - lint all projects in the repo
This will update your yarn and npm configs to point to the new registry, and start up the new registry locally.
yarn local-registry enable
yarn local-registry start
The first time you run this, you'll need to add your user:
npm adduser --registry http://localhost:4873
The username is test, and the password is test.
To disable the server, just exit the process. Then run:
yarn local-registry disable
Keeping the server active may interfere with normal npm and npx activities, so if anything's acting strange, just kill the server and disable the registry updates.
script will not use the locally running server!
You can run commands in every javascript project using Nx: nx run-many --target test --all
This allows you to lint and/or test all projects at once.
Note: You need admin privileges to publish a release. If you don't have them, ask someone who does to do the release for you.
- run
aws sso login
- run
- ensure you're on the main branch with the latest code
Then use lerna to create new versions of all changed packages (ensure you do this on the main branch)
yarn lerna:version
This will automatically push the latest tags and version updates to github.
To publish the versions to npm, you need a one-time password from our NPM account.
To publish, run:
yarn npm-publish --otp=<one-time password>
This will publish all the new versions to npm.
The last step is to upload the umd version of the SDK to our S3 bucket.
To build it, run:
nx build:cdn js
This will create three files in the dist/sdk/js
- devcycle.min.js
- devcycle.min.js.LICENSE.txt
Upload them all to S3. Ensure that their access controls allow public access.