A little "go help" for the Java/Kotlin developers using Maven.
Current main capability? Upgrade your pom.xml dependencies to latest and greatest!
- No installs of maven-plugins required, so if you a working in a multi-repo developer environment with lots of 2party dependencies and repos, you can easily upgrade them with
ply upgrade 2party
. - Brings natural semantics and support for different types of dependencies to the table: Kotlin, 2party, spring-boot (curated dependencies), (other) 3party
- Can be used as a library for other go-projects automating the upgrade process
- Easy and fast
- Brings feature to the table, not found anywhere else, stay tuned!
Heads up!
- ply rewrites your pom.xml, so make sure you have your pom.xml committed before testing out ply
- start with
ply format pom
, verify that the rewrite of the pom.xml is ok, commit, and from now on you will easily see the diff that ply introduces withply upgrade <2party|3party|spring-boot|plugins|all>
- or just use
ply status
(no rewrite) and manually upgrade your pom.xml based on what is reported as outdated, current option if you need to keep your pom.xml formatting
Requirement: https://golang.org/doc/install
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ply [command]
Available Commands:
bitbucket Bitbucket functionality
clean Clean files and folder in a project
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
diagrams Various tools for generating diagrams
doc Opens documentation in default browser
examples Examples found in cloud-config
format Format functionality for a project
generate Initializes a maven project with ply files and formatting
git Git commands
help Help about any command
info Prints info on spring version, dependencies etc
init Initializes a maven project with ply files and formatting
install Various install options for generating autocompletion etc
lint Linting commands
maven Run maven (mvn) commands
merge Merge functionalities for files to a project
profiles Manage profiles settings for ply
query Query dependencies in a project
status Status functionality for a project
tips Use tips to learn information faster
upgrade Upgrade options
--debug turn on debug output
-h, --help help for ply
--json turn on json output logging
Additional help topics:
ply about About ply
Use "ply [command] --help" for more information about a command.