A Youtube Music Downloader

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

YMD (Youtube Music Downloader)

YMD (Youtube Music Downloader) is a command line tool for downloading content from Youtube Music.


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • git and pip

Installation and preparation

  1. Clone this git-repository:

    git clone https://github.com/DevEmperor/ymd.git
  2. install the dependencies (python libraries):

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Only if you want YMD to add lyrics to your tracks:

  1. visit https://genius.com/api-clients/new and create a new API client (enter only "App Name" and "App Website URL"; you can set "App Website URL" to the URL of this repository), then click on "Generate Access Token" and copy the token into the configuration section of "ymd.py"

  2. Run YMD:

    python3 ymd.py


  1. Run YMD with python3 ymd.py
  2. Enter the path to your output directory. (If you always want to export to the same folder, you can also enter the path in the configuration section of "ymd.py")
  3. Enter a URL from Youtube Music and press ENTER. YMD will download the track / album / playlist and collects all Metadata (+ Lyrics if you added an API key for Genius).


YMD is under the terms of the Apapche 2.0 license, following all clarifications stated in the license file