
Create a custom Delete button and show a confirmation pop-up window on a button click.


Grid View for ASP.NET Web Forms - How to show a confirmation dialog box on a custom button click

This example demonstrates how to create a custom Delete button and show a confirmation pop-up window on a button click.


Follow the steps below to configure the grid's confirm functionality:

  1. Use a command column's CustomButtons property to create a custom Delete button.

        <dx:GridViewCommandColumn VisibleIndex="0" ShowClearFilterButton="True">
                <dx:GridViewCommandColumnCustomButton ID="btDelete" Text="Delete"
                    Visibility="AllDataRows" />
        <!-- ... -->
  2. Handle the grid's server-side CustomButtonCallback event to perform server-side actions on a custom button click. Use the grid's JSProperties property to pass the row's visible index to the server and indicate whether to show a confirmation pop-up window when the callback ends.

    function gvProducts_EndCallback(s, e) {
        if (s.cpShowDeleteConfirmBox)
    protected void gvProducts_CustomButtonCallback(object sender, ASPxGridViewCustomButtonCallbackEventArgs e) {
        ASPxGridView gridView = sender as ASPxGridView;
        if (e.ButtonID == "btDelete") {
            // Perform custom server-side actions before showing a pop-up window
            gridView.JSProperties["cpRowIndex"] = e.VisibleIndex;
            gridView.JSProperties["cpShowDeleteConfirmBox"] = true;
  3. To configure the grid's row delete functionality, handle the grid's server-side RowDeleting event.

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