DataGrid - How to use DropDownBox as a column editor in edit mode

This example illustrates how to define a DropDownBox with an embedded DataGrid for the State column.


Implementation Details

  1. Handle the onEditorPreparing event. In the event handler, change the editorName and editorOptions parameters to specify the DropDownBox settings.

    function onEditorPreparing(e) {
        if (e.dataField == "StateID" && e.parentType == "dataRow") {
            e.editorName = "dxDropDownBox";                
            e.editorOptions.dropDownOptions = {                
                height: 500
            e.editorOptions.contentTemplate = function (args, container) { 
                //custom template;
  2. Implement the contentTemplate function. In this template:

    e.editorOptions.contentTemplate = function (args, container) {
        var value = args.component.option("value"),
        $dataGrid = $("<div>").dxDataGrid({                           
           dataSource: args.component.option("dataSource"),
           keyExpr: "ID",
           selection: { mode: "multiple" },
           selectedRowKeys: value,
           onSelectionChanged: function (selectedItems) {
              var keys = selectedItems.selectedRowKeys;
              args.component.option("value", keys);
        var dataGrid = $dataGrid.dxDataGrid("instance");
        args.component.on("valueChanged", function (args) {
           var value = args.value;
           dataGrid.selectRows(value, false);
           text: "Close",
            onClick: function (ev) {
        }).css({ float: "right", marginTop: "10px" }).appendTo(container);
        return container;

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