HTML5 JavaScript Component Suite for Responsive Web Development
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Dependency Dashboard
#18906 opened by renovate - 2
FileManager: change selection event raised on dir change is indistinguishable from the human-made one
#24929 opened by vyshkant - 2
- 2
DateRangeBox for zoom level year is glitchy
#24909 opened by tim-breitenstein-it - 2
Overwriting default DataGrid settings in FileManger (React)
#24928 opened by vyshkant - 9
DevExtreme v22.2 in Angular v16 is missing "BrowserTransferStateModule" from @angular/platform-browser
#24666 opened by GustavoOrGuzz - 2
Html Editor Predefined Items are missing in release version 23.1.2-alpha-23114-0308
#24692 opened by ducthangchin - 3
- 3
DataGrid RowFilter OData Lookup Bug
#22800 opened by necipsunmaz - 3
improve typescript typing
#22635 opened by Bykiev - 1
[feat] TreeList - export to excel
#22884 opened by Bykiev - 2
popup elementAttr deprecation
#22636 opened by Bykiev - 1
- 1
- 2
dx.all.js:9 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took
#22664 opened by tranhoangtam - 1
[feat] DateBox - allow selecting ranges
#22885 opened by Bykiev - 1
[Feat] DataGrid - allow user input in pager size selector
#22898 opened by Bykiev - 9
- 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#21856 opened by renovate - 1
Problem With CustomStore Remove
#21170 opened by MattiaFontanaErrepinet - 1
Dropdown multiple selection css is broken
#21131 opened by andrew-vdb - 1
OnRowPrepared is being called repeatedly to the point of crashing the page.
#21066 opened by gabestrom - 3
[Question] Tailwind Theme
#20828 opened by mrparag94 - 1
DataGrid: Virtual scrolling with duplicate keys
#20725 opened by shant1988 - 1
Filter arguments are changed after submitting
#20846 opened by maya-harel - 1
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dxDataGrid toolbar issue in version (21.2)
#20635 opened by MeNarayan - 2
ChainAlert: npm package release (21.2.5) has no matching tag in this repo
#20919 opened by chainalert-bot - 1
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[TypeScript] Types incompatibility - can't define options in constructor
#20424 opened by Semigradsky - 3
Calendar language translate
#19906 opened by FazurP - 4
[Suggestion] Optimize SASS import
#20057 opened by cesco69 - 0
[TypeScript] `Format` type is `any`
#20356 opened by Semigradsky - 4
- 1
Angular DevExtreme: renderer type question
#19989 opened by husbd - 2
dxdatagrid group item custom pourcentage
#19488 opened by Paul75 - 3
DxTreeViewNode deprecated
#19812 opened by foegen-juan - 1
DxButton: dxTemplate breaks submit behavior
#19973 opened by arndwestermann - 1
Latest v21.2.3 Issues with Speed Dial Action
#19938 opened by bobskigit - 1
Add box-plot in Chart
#19608 opened by agafonovslava - 0
Devextreme Scheduler React - EditReccurenceMenu/availableOperations
#19529 opened by BartekObudzinski - 1
SpeedDialAction causes Deprecation warning in 21.2.2-alpha
#19483 opened by PaulTodd - 2
DevExtreme Theme Builder: accept CSS/LESS/SASS variables
#19376 opened by julesrx - 1
DxAccordion onSelectionChanged event documentation is missing information
#19039 opened by jakehockey10 - 2
DateBox only 5 weeks, but need 6?
#18985 opened by n0isy - 1
dxSortable, how to get values from card?
#18870 opened by carlospereira21 - 1
Cannot read property 'endDate' of undefined
#18310 opened by lennygir - 1
Search to accent insensitive and RegExp
#18455 opened by Iskander1220 - 3
devexpress does not build with angular 12.1.3
#18502 opened by MarjanGood - 2
Typescript definition for `CustomDialogOptions` missing `popupOptions` property
#18366 opened by alfeg