
Clicking Okta input type 'submit' doesn't trigger authentication when Native Automation is enabled

jbraden6075 opened this issue · 2 comments

What is your Scenario?

I am automating an internal website that uses an Okta login screen for authentication.

What is the Current behavior?

When Native Automation is enabled (by default for TestCafe), clicking the Sign In button doesn't trigger the authentication to log in and navigate to the home page of the site.

I had to set 'disableNativeAutomation' to false in my config file to be able to log into the site.

What is the Expected behavior?

Clicking the Sign In element of an Okta page triggers the authentication check and logs the user in while Native Automation is enabled for TestCafe.

What is the public URL of the test page? (attach your complete example)

Since this is an internal website and requires VPN access, as well as being an Okta sign in page, I cannot provide you the URL. Here is the form that contains all of the elements needed to sign into the site.

Sign in to EPI

<iframe name="iframe18" style="display:none"></iframe>

What is your TestCafe test code?

test('Login', async t => {
await t
.typeText('#okta-signin-username', 'asdf')
.typeText('#okta-signin-password', 'asdf')

let welcomeUser = Selector('.welcome-container').find('span').withText('Welcome, asdf')

await t


Your complete configuration file

module.exports = {
src: "tests/test.js",
browsers: ["chrome"],
selectorTimeout: "5000",
assertionTimeout: "5000",
pageLoadTimeout: "30000",
preserveUrl: true,
disableNativeAutomation: true

Your complete test report

Running tests in:

  • Chrome / Windows 11

Getting Started
× Login

  1. AssertionError: expected false to be truthy

    Browser: Chrome / Windows 11

    13 |
    14 |
    15 | let welcomeUser = Selector('.welcome-container').find('span').withText('Welcome, asdf')
    16 |
    17 | await t

    18 | .expect(welcomeUser.exists).ok()
    19 |})


No response

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Enable Native Automation for testcafe
  2. Navigate to an Okta sign in page
  3. Enter a username
  4. Enter a password
  5. Click the Sign in button

Expected: Authentication is triggered and user is logged in

Actual: Authentication is not triggered and user is not logged in

Workaround: Disabling Native Automation for testcafe and running the login method triggers authentication and the user is logged in.

TestCafe version


Node.js version


Command-line arguments


Browser name(s) and version(s)


Platform(s) and version(s)

WIndows 11


No response

Thank you for submitting a bug report. We would love to help you investigate the issue. Please share a simple code example that reliably reproduces the bug. For more information, read the following article: How To Create a Minimal Working Example When You Submit an Issue. We look forward to your response.