- 4
Problem with starting mp4 player
#8345 opened by JakubMaz - 0
Test hangs after naviateTo or eval when native automation mode is enabled
#8349 opened by arkadiusz-lindar - 2
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Tests failing on Safari after upgrading to v3.7.0
#8348 opened by etshi - 3
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Fix punycode module depreciation warning (node v22.7.0)
#8337 opened by di5ko - 6
takeElementScreenshot : The action target (.....) is too small to be visible: 1280px x 25px.
#8320 opened by TheGameKnave - 2
Issue with pasting large text bodies using t.typeText Method
#8340 opened by sam-yh - 2
testcafe just stops/hangs when I added --disable-search-engine-choice-screen in package.json
#8333 opened by phingankar - 8
Testcafe fails on starting
#8292 opened by vasilyevi - 0
- 2
Need to Skip test cases under a fixture If previous test of the same fixture failed
#8335 opened by SamShot81 - 5
Fixing native automation iframe bugs
#8332 opened by matt-kxs - 3
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- 1
The code returned by using t.pressKey("esc") to trigger the keydown event is ""
#8328 opened by goodnightql - 4
Testcafe compile error as of 3.7.0-rc1
#8319 opened by matt-kxs - 1
Error: WebSocket connection closed in Chrome 130.xx.x.x
#8326 opened by hjokwon - 12
Testcafe WebSocket connection closed with Chrome 130
#8300 opened by JaegerJens - 14
- 1
How to avoid TestCafe automatically replace href='javascript:...' to href='javascript:parent.__proc$Html(window,...); '
#8325 opened by JamsonChan - 1
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- 2
Testcafe hangs on taking screenshot
#8310 opened by getahead - 8
Test cafe fails to switch to new Window
#8270 opened by pranabkdas85 - 3
Testcafe can't work fine with the latest chrome [Version 130.0.6723.70 (Official Build) (64-bit)]
#8318 opened by goodnightql - 6
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Tests started hanging randomly after upgrading to Chrome 130 + TestCafe 3.7.0-rc.1
#8309 opened by thomas-jakemeyn - 3
Testcafe stops/freezes with nativeAutomation true
#8306 opened by PaniniTheG - 3
Browser crashing when trying to execute a recorded script
#8311 opened by kkapur5 - 2
Failed to click login button
#8295 opened by AmolForAll - 2
Clicking Okta input type 'submit' doesn't trigger authentication when Native Automation is enabled
#8296 opened by jbraden6075 - 1
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Execution hangs after test fail on chrome version 130
#8307 opened by cheljo - 18
Tests fail with "Error: WebSocket connection closed" for Chrome 130.0.6723.6 (2024-09-18)
#8286 opened by thomas-jakemeyn - 3
Chrome 130 fails to start during local execution on MAC -> Error: WebSocket connection closed (Failed to dispose lockfile)
#8304 opened by TsvetanTsvetkovClevertap - 2
After Uploading an Image ( using t.setFilesToUpload() method ) , the image stored on the Azure Blob Storage is truncated and fetched Image is Broken
#8299 opened by SamShot81 - 2
CSS Selector improvement by adding a configurable prefix for easier element selection
#8290 opened by cocoon-it - 3
Failed to find a DNS-record for the resource at "http://localhost:8080"
#8282 opened by krushitagangani - 5
- 1
Chrome does not start correctly in headless mode on Windows 11 (Chrome Version 129.0.6668.90)
#8294 opened by GregorBiswanger - 1
How to Click a Button Inside an Salesforce LWC Component Using TestCafe?
#8293 opened by BorisVasilevEF - 1
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How about environment variables insertion or custom cli option processing omitting when app launching?
#8269 opened by tomoh1r - 0
Not able to change User-Agent header with RequestHook
#8276 opened by vasilyevi - 2
"Uncaugt object" error after upgrade
#8266 opened by ejerskov - 1
Why testcafe used Hammerhead in Native mode?
#8268 opened by MaheshSugathan