As the application increasing day by day with new features, a developer also have to face the errors. It slow down the business in market place an led to decrease our customers. In this situation we would not any choise. We have to fix it anyhow. It takes lots of time and waste of money. Solution is o test our application in the development environment and on the live server.
To do so, here is the method which helps us to test our application automatically using protractor.
Yes, it takes time to learn for testing and setup in our project and it would be new thing for a new developer. But, somewere it helps us to make our application more reliable and saves time & money.
There are many ways to testing process like, beta testing black box testing, which you can learn from google or any other officeal sites. you can visite this like for instance
- open the command line in your project
- create the pakage.json using
npm init
and follow the steps - run the command
npm install protractor -g
webdriver-manager update
webdriver-manager start
- After install protractor, it will install protractor and webdriver manager
- The webdriver-manager is a helper tool. it get an instance of a Selenium Server running.
- You have to update webdriver manage once it is first time
- Once you start webdriver manage, It will start Selenium Server and output buncha og logs on cmd.
- Protractor - test will send the send the resquest to the Selenium server an dgets control the local browser
- You can easily see each and every status in http://localhost:4444/wd/hub.
- Now create and folder in your project directory (
) - Inside the
folder, createconf.js
- Paste the folowing scripts in the
exports.config = {
seleniumAddress: "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub",
Capabilities: {
'BoowserName': 'chrome'
specs: ['app.test.js'],
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true,
defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000
- and in the
describe('angularjs homepage todo list', function() {
it('should add a todo', function() {
element(by.model('todoList.todoText')).sendKeys('write first protractor test');
var todoList = element.all(by.repeater('todo in todoList.todos'));
expect(todoList.get(2).getText()).toEqual('write first protractor test');
// You wrote your first test, cross it off the list
var completedAmount = element.all(by.css('.done-true'));
The describe
and it
syntax is from the Jasmine framework.
Please visite the link
change directory (cd) to endToEnd
folder. it is because the conf.js
file is located there inside.
runn the following command
protractor conf.js
Open the package.json
in the scripts
paste the folowing script
"test": "protractor ./endToEnd/cong.js"
Now your scripts willl like of the follwing
"test": "protractor ./endToEnd/cong.js"
Now, you can easily run the test using npm.
npm test
...Good Luck...