
TwitterClientKotlin is a sample project demonstrates MVP architecture in kotlin

Primary LanguageKotlin


is a sample project demonstrates MVP architecture in kotlin TwitterClientKotlin providing a seach feature, you can search about sertain tweets ar hashtags. and you can open these tweets in a detailed screen and you can share tweets.


if you want to install the app directly you will find the APK file under the apks directory

If you want to want to run the app from the source code

all you need to do is to provide these keys

  • Twitter customer key TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY
  • Twitter custumer secret TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET
  • Twitter access token TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN
  • Twitter access token secret TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET and place them into the local.properties file

hit run and that's it 🎉


tools were used in this project

The project was written in kotlin

  • rxJava2
  • rxAndroid
  • retrofit2
  • recyclerView
  • glide
  • constraint-layout
  • clean architecture principles

email: hossamhassancs15@gmail.com