
Clean architecture sample

Primary LanguageKotlin

"What's hot on SoundCloud?" is an Andoid application shows hot tracks on soundcloud


After decompressing the archive file WhatshotonSoundcloud.zip You'll find the project like this image

if you want to install the app directly you will find the APK file under the apk directory

If you want to want to run the app from source code

all you need to is to provide these keys soundCloud client id SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID and the user id USER_ID

and place them into the local.properties file


hit run and that's it 🎉


tools were used in this project

The project is 100% in kotlin

  • rxJava2
  • rxAndroid
  • retrofit2
  • recyclerView
  • cardView
  • ErrorView
  • clean architecture principles
  • junit
  • Mockito

email: hossamhassancs15@gmail.com