
What is it ❓

Simply put, it is python GUI program which can easily download a lot of images from google for you with a click of a button ❗

Under the hood, google-images-download uses selenium to get the images. tkinter is for the GUI part.

How to run ❓

  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Initialise a virtualenv python3 -m virtualenv venv
  3. Activate the virtualenv
  4. Install the required packages pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Run the program python

Once the GUI pops up, enter the path to download the images (absolute path) and also the search term and then click on the button. Voilà❕ you have successfully run this program

Contribution and issues 🐛

Feel free to open a PR or a Issue or even star it 😇

Please Note: All images downloaded by this software should be only used for educational use or for fair use