
Simple educational C library with a variety of modules

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



Repository home


Now all releases and corresponding release notes will be published in Releases section

Older releases

All release notes up to 0.3.4 are here

Installation and linkage

Clone this repository with command:

git clone https://github.com/PublicHadyniak/libprogbase.git

Change directory to the newly created libprogbase/ directory and execute this command:

sudo make install

Include header files from include/ directory and compile your code with linker option -lprogbase:

gcc main.c -lprogbase -lm

Check library version (since version 0.1.0)

You need to change directory to cloned libprogbase/ directory and execute command:

make version

Update library

Update with script (since version 0.1.0)

Works only if you cloned this repository with Git.

Change directory to cloned libprogbase/ and execute command:

sudo make update


You can reinstall the library to update it to newer version.