Iniciando o projeto

  1. Instala as dependĂȘncias = yarn
  2. Iniciar o container no docker = docker-compose up -d
  3. Rodar as migrations = yarn typeorm migration:run -d src/data-source.ts
  4. Rodar os testes = yarn test
  5. Iniciar o servidor = yarn dev



  1. Post (Create User) URl: http://localhost:4000/register Logged: false Parameters: { Body: { username: string password: string } }

  2. Post (Login) URl: http://localhost:4000/login Logged: false Parameters: { Body: { username: string password: string } }


  1. Get (Get Balance) URl: http://localhost:4000/balance Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } }


  1. Post (Transfer-CashOut) URl: http://localhost:4000/transfer Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } Body: { username: string value: number } }

  2. Get (Get Transactions) URl: http://localhost:4000/transactions Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } }

  3. Get (Get Transactions CashIn) URl: http://localhost:4000/transactions/cashIn Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } }

  4. Get (Get Transactions CashOut) URl: http://localhost:4000/transactions/cashOut Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } }

  5. Get (Get Transactions by Date) URl: http://localhost:4000/transactions/date/{date} Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } Params: { date: { type: string, format: 'yyyy-mm-dd' } } }

  6. Get (Get Transactions by Date and CashIn) URl: Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } Params: { date: { type: string, format: 'yyyy-mm-dd' } } }

  7. Get (Get Transactions by Date and CashOut) URl: Logged: true Parameters: { Token: { userId: string } Params: { date: { type: string, format: 'yyyy-mm-dd' } } }