
Assembler of CAVEAT bytecode

Primary LanguageElixir


Assembler of CAVEAT bytecode

set.high r1, #0, #00A0 ; set the upper 16 bits of register 1 to #00A0, clear the lower 16 bits
set.low  r1, #1, #5600 ; set the lower 16 bits of register 1 to #5600, keep the upper 16 bits
load     r2, r1, -16    ; load the contents of memory address #00A055F0 (#00A05600 - #10) into register 2
add.u    r3, r2, 1      ; add 1 to register 2 and store it in register 3
store    r1, r3         ; store the contents of register 3 at the memory address contained in register 1 (#00A05600)


  • opcode (8 bits)
  • operands (24 bits)
  • for set.high and set.low, the second operand, mode, determines what happens to the other 16 bits of the register.
    • 0000 = clear all
    • 1111 = set all
    • 0001 = keep unaltered
  • in general an instruction suffix determines how operands are treated.
    • instructions with the suffix .s treats all their operands as signed.
    • instructions with the suffix .u treats all their operands as unsigned.
    • instructions with the suffix .f treats all their operands as float (32 bits).
  • address and memory manipulation (load, store, branch) treats the registers as unsigned, but the offset immediate value as signed.
Mnemonic Opcode Operands Comment
hcf 00000000 (0) ignored Halt and catch fire
00000001 (1) Reserved
... ... ... ...
00001111 (15) Reserved
set.high 00010000 (16) Rd, mode, C (16-bit) Rd (upper 16 bits) = C, mode affects the other bits
set.low 00010001 (17) Rd, mode, C (16-bit) Rd (lower 16 bits) = C, mode affects the other bits
copy 00010010 (18) Rd, Ra, 0000000000000000 Rd = Ra
00010011 (19) Reserved
load 00010100 (20) Rd, Ra, C (16-bit, signed) Load Rd with the four bytes addressed by Ra + C
00010101 (21) Reserved
00010110 (22) Reserved
00010111 (23) Reserved
store 00011000 (24) Rd, Ra, C (16-bit, signed) Store the contents of Rd at the address Ra + C
00011001 (25) Reserved
... ... ... ...
00011111 (31) Reserved
add.s 00100000 (32) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit) Rd = Ra + Rb + C (signed)
add.u 00100001 (33) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit) Rd = Ra + Rb + C (unsigned)
sub.s 00100010 (34) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit) Rd = Ra - Rb - C (signed)
sub.u 00100011 (35) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit) Rd = Ra - Rb - C (unsigned)
mul.s 00100100 (36) RdHi, RdLo, Ra, Rb, 00000000 RdHi, RdLo = Ra * Rb (signed)
mul.u 00100101 (37) RdHi, RdLo, Ra, Rb, 00000000 RdHi, RdLo = Ra * Rb (unsigned)
div.s 00100110 (38) RdQu, RdRe, Ra, Rb, 00000000 RdQu, RdRe = Ra / Rb (signed)
div.u 00100111 (39) RdQu, RdRe, Ra, Rb, 00000000 RdQu, RdRe = Ra / Rb (unsigned)
00101000 (40) Reserved
... ... ... ...
00101111 (47) Reserved
add.f 00110000 (48) Rd = Ra + Rb (float)
sub.f 00110001 (49) Rd = Ra - Rb (float)
mul.f 00110010 (50) Rd = Ra * Rb (float)
div.f 00110011 (51) Rd = Ra / Rb (float)
00110100 (52) Reserved
... ... ... ...
00111111 (63) Reserved
and 01000000 (64) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra AND Rb (bitwise)
or 01000001 (65) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra OR Rb (bitwise)
xor 01000010 (66) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra EXCLUSIVE OR Rb (bitwise)
not 01000011 (67) Rd, Ra, 0000000000000000 Rd = NOT Ra (bitwise)
01000100 (68) Reserved
... ... ... ...
01000111 (71) Reserved
asl 01001000 (72) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra << Rb
asr 01001001 (73) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra >> Rb
lsl 01001010 (74) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra <<< Rb
lsr 01001011 (75) Rd, Ra, Rb, 000000000000 Rd = Ra >>> Rb
01001100 (76) Reserved
... ... ... ...
01001111 (79) Reserved
beq 01010000 (80) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit, signed) Go to address in Rd + C if Ra = Rb
bne 01010001 (81) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit, signed) Go to address in Rd + C if Ra != Rb
bgt 01010010 (82) Rd, Ra, Rb, C (12-bit, signed) Go to address in Rd + C if Ra > Rb
01010011 (83) Reserved
... ... ... ...
01111111 (127) Reserved
10000000 (128) User-defined
... ... ... ...
11111111 (255) User-defined