Computer Shop Inventory System.

The project is used to manage small to large computer shops. It manages the Inventory while leveraging on the benefits of blockchain.



  Retrieves all computers in the inventory.

getComputer(id: string)

 Retrieves a computer by its ID.

addComputer(payload: ComputerPayload)

 Adds a new computer to the inventory.

updateComputer(id: string, payload: ComputerPayload)

 Updates the details of an existing computer.

deleteComputer(id: string)

  Deletes a computer from the inventory.

sellComputer(id: string, quantitySold: number)

 Updates the quantity of a computer after a sale.

searchComputers(query: string)

Searches for computers based on a query string


 Checks for low-stock computers (quantity less than 5).

Resupply Computer Inventory:

resupplyComputer(id: string, quantityToAdd: number): Result<Computer, string> Description: This function allows you to restock the inventory of a specific computer by adding a certain quantity of computers to it. It's useful for replenishing stock. Get Total Inventory Value:

getTotalInventoryValue(): Result<float64, string>

Description: This function calculates and returns the total value of the entire computer inventory. It's helpful for assessing the overall worth of the inventory. Get Computers by Price Range:

getComputersByPriceRange(minPrice: float64, maxPrice: float64): Result<Vec, string>

Description: This function allows you to retrieve a list of computers within a specified price range. It's useful for customers looking for computers within a certain budget. Clear Low Stock Notifications:

clearLowStockNotifications(): Result<string, string>

Description: This function can be used to clear the low stock notifications, effectively resetting them. It's helpful for periodic maintenance. Get Computer Description:

getComputerDescription(id: string): Result<string, string>

Description: This function retrieves the description of a computer based on its ID. It's helpful for providing detailed information about a specific computer.

Set Computer Price:

setComputerPrice(id: string, newPrice: float64): Result<Computer, string> Description: This function allows you to change the price of a specific computer by providing its ID and the new price. Get Computer Quantity:

getComputerQuantity(id: string): Result<number, string>

Description: This function allows you to retrieve the quantity of a specific computer based on its ID. List Computer Brands:

listComputerBrands(): Result<Vec, string>

Description: This function returns a list of unique computer brands available in the inventory.