
An app to manage and track your wealth over time

Primary LanguageSvelte

...Simply Plan Life In TaskZ



  • Task Manager - a redefined way to be organized
  • Money Manager - a simpler way to track your expenses
  • Contacts Manager - build your social profiles while collaborating
  • Inverstment Manager - see your investments and manage them easily
  • Assets Manager - never forget where and how many assets you have
  • Business Manager - have an overview of your business

Getting Started

Clone the repo then, Install Dependancies


  • Create a firebase project or get the firebase config files of the one you already have
    apiKey: "",
    authDomain: "",
    projectId: ""
  • Update the src/KEYS config files with your above keys

Test Locally

npm run dev

Build for production

npm run build

Your files will be available in the dist folder. To push the files to your firebase hosting, run the commands below. Make sure to fill the dist folder as your hosting one.

firebase init hosting,functions && firebase deploy

New version available!

Made With ♥

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