
A simple program to find all possible but unique paths/ways to draw a hut

Primary LanguagePython


A simple analog game that involves finding unique paths to draw a hut with two conditions:

  1. One cannot go through a path twice
  2. The path has to be continous, that is, the end of one point is the beginning of the next

Seeing that everytime I played I could come up with different paths/ways, I set out to create a program that would find all possible unique paths/ways.

The hut

Hut Image

(While ignoring point F) An example of a complete path would be:

A B -> B C -> C D -> D E -> E A -> A D -> D B -> B E

This path is pretty obvious and one can come up with a number of them by hand, but there are others that are not so obvious.

I created a program in python that finds all possible unique paths/ways

Using the two rules as listed above, the program came up with 88 unique paths/ways

When I added the point F, shown above in red...

Using the same two rule listed above, the program came up with 240 unique paths/ways

It is a fun game especially when played without the help of a computer, in contrast, with a computer, my mind was blown when I knew that there are so many other possibilities, different from the ones I could come up with on my own.

my website
