
An awesome QR code generator for Android.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Special, thus awesome.

release license

AwesomeQRCode - An awesome(simple) QR code generator for Android.


Yay! Demo Available!

Google Play Store


Try to scan these QR codes below with your smart phone.

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3
Solid dots instead of blocks Binarized With logo at the center


To add dependency into your project, Add below lines in build.gradle of your project:

allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then, add below lines in build.gradle of your app module:

dependencies {
        compile 'com.github.SumiMakito:AwesomeQRCode:1.0.6'

Quick Start

1. "I just wanna get a Bitmap"

In this case, QR code will be generated synchronously. Thus it means you may take a risk blocking the UI thread, which would lead to Application Not Responding (ANR). I strongly recommend you to use it in a non-UI thread.

new Thread() {
  public void run() {
   Bitmap qrCode = new AwesomeQRCode.Renderer()
    .contents("Makito loves Kafuu Chino.")

2. Generate a QR code asynchronously and show the QR code in an ImageView

new AwesomeQRCode.Renderer()
 .contents("Makito loves Kafuu Chino.")
 .renderAsync(new AwesomeQRCode.Callback() {
  public void onRendered(AwesomeQRCode.Renderer renderer, final Bitmap bitmap) {
   runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
     // Tip: here we use runOnUiThread(...) to avoid the problems caused by operating UI elements from a non-UI thread.

  public void onError(AwesomeQRCode.Renderer renderer, Exception e) {


Parameter Type Explanation Default Value Misc.
contents String Contents to encode. null Required
size int-px Width as well as the height of the output QR code, includes margin. 800 Required
margin int-px Margin to add around the QR code. 20 Required
dataDotScale float Value used to scale down the data dots' size. 0.3f (0, 1.0f)
colorDark int-color Color of "true" blocks. Works only when both colorDark and colorLight are set. Color.BLACK
colorLight int-color Color of empty space, or "false" blocks. Works only when both colorDark and colorLight are set. Color.WHITE
background Bitmap Background image to embed in the QR code. Leave null to disable. null
whiteMargin int-px If set to true, a white border will appear around the background image. true
autoColor boolean If set to true, the dominant color of backgroundImage will be used as colorDark. true
binarize boolean If set to true, the whole image will be binarized with the given threshold, or default threshold if not specified. fasle
binarizeThreshold int Threshold used to binarize the whole image. 128 (0, 255)
roundedDataDots boolean If set to true, data dots will appear as solid dots instead of blocks. false
logo Bitmap Logo image to embed at the center of generated QR code. Leave null to disable. null
logoMargin int-px White margin that appears around the logo image. Leave 0 to disable. LOGO 10
logoCornerRadius int-px Radius of the logo's corners. Leave 0 to disable. 8
logoScale float Value used to scale the logo image. Larger value may result in decode failure. 0.2f (0, 1.0f)


Version 1.0.6

  • Fixed a "divide by zero" error mentioned in #20.

Version 1.0.5

  • The way to use AwesomeQRCode is more elegant.

Version 1.0.4

  • New feature: Embedding a logo image in the QR code.
  • Sample/Demo application updated.

Version 1.0.3

  • Added CHARACTER_SET => UTF-8 to QR code's hints before encoding.
  • Fixed an encoding issue mentioned in #7.

Version 1.0.2

  • Added an optional parameter which enables the data dots to appear as filled circles.

Version 1.0.1

  • Now background images can be binarized as you like.

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial release.


EFQRCode written in Swift

EFQRCode is a tool to generate QRCode image or recognize QRCode from image, in Swift.

AwesomeQRCode is inspired by EFQRCode by EyreFree.

If your application is in need of generating pretty QR codes in Swift, take a look at EFQRCode. It should help.

Awesome-qr.js written in JavaScript

Redirect to Awesome-qr.js

AwesomeQRCode-Kotlin written in Kotlin

Redirect to AwesomeQRCode-Kotlin


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Copyright & License

Apache-2.0 license

AwesomeQRCode is available under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Copyright © 2017 Sumi Makito.