
A neural network implementation in python using matrix operations with gradient descent as backpropogation algorithm. Neural network trained with a math formula and compared with target values and Keras Model optimized by sgd (Stochastic Gradient Descent)

Primary LanguagePython

Visualization of DataSet, x and y as inputs, z as target outputs:

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Error over per Iteration when Learning Rate= 0.1 and Error Rate=0.1:

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Error over per Iteration when Learning Rate= 0.05 and Error Rate=0.01

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Error over per Iteration when Learning Rate= 0.01 and Error Rate=0.05

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Comparison between target values vs predicted values (Orange=target, Blue= Predicted)

When Learning Rate= 0.1 and Error Rate=0.1:

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When Learning Rate= 0.05 and Error Rate=0.01:

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When Learning Rate= 0.01 and Error Rate=0.05:

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Comparison Between Keras Neural Network model optimized with sgd algorithm and neural network model i created by numpy

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