Laravel Vue Inertia POS

Point Of Sales (POS) develop with Laravel 9 as back-end and Vue 3 as front-end with Inertia.js as adapter to create modern monolith fullstack application

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  • CRUD Categories
  • CRUD Products
  • CRUD Customers
  • CRUD Users
  • Transactions
  • Report Sales
  • Report Profits
  • Roles and Permissions


Laravel and Vue

Install this-project project with composer install and npm install to the root folder of project

Database Setup

  • Create your database first at Phpmyadmin panel and define it on .env files on DB_DATABASE value

  • Run php artisan migrate --seed command


run php artisan serve on first terminal and npm run watch on second terminal and open localhot:8000 in your browser

admin:, password: password