
DevMountain's after hours syllabus

DevMountain Web After-Hours Syllabus

Week 1

Day 1 - Github & Version Control

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will understand and be able to use the command line for
      • creating a folder
      • creating a file
      • editing a file
      • changing directories
    • Students will understand what Git and Github are and how they fit into the web app landscape
    • Students will be able to clone a repo and know its purpose
    • Students will be able to add, commit, and push files to github
    • Students will understand basic branching
    • Students will understand how to use github in a group setting
      • Students be able to understand what a "Fork" is and be able to Fork a repo
      • Students will be able to handle merge conflicts
      • Students will be able to minimally manage vim to escape merge conflict messages
      • Students will know how to make a Pull Request
  • Project:
  • Additional Practice:
  • Additional Reading:
  • Assessment

Day 2 - HTML & CSS Fundamentals

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will understand the purpose of HTML
    • Students will understand the purpose of CSS
    • Students will from scratch, be able to create a skeleton for their html and css page
    • understand and be able to use the following HTML Elements
      • p
      • footer
      • header
      • h1 - h6
      • ul
      • li
      • div
    • Understand and be able to use the following CSS properties
      • id (#) vs class(.) and specificity
      • width px & %
      • height px & %
      • background-color
      • background-image
      • color
      • font-size
      • text-align: center
      • line-height
      • box-model (margin, padding, border)
      • float
      • clear
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:
  • Assessment

Day 3 - HTML & CSS Positioning

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will be able to use Chrome Dev Tools to inspect their HTML/CSS
    • Students will understand the purpose of CSS
    • Students will be able to compare and contrast fixed, relative, absolute, and static positioning in CSS
    • Students will be able to compare and contrast display block, inline-block, inline, and none
    • Students will be able to compare and contrast overflow hidden, auto, scroll
    • Students will understand and be able to use max/min-width and max/min-height
  • Projects:
  • Additional Reading
  • Assessment

Week 2

Day 1 - Advanced HTML & CSS

Day 2 - Advanced CSS

  • Before class:
    • No video. Work on previous projects or re-watch lessons on Vimeo, or follow an online tutorial about HTML and CSS. Just make sure you do something! Keep up the momentum!!!
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will understand and be able to explain the box model to someone else
    • Students will understand media queries and be able to implement them
    • Students will understand when and when not to use floating elements
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 3 - JavaScript Fundamentals I

Week 3

Day 1 - JavaScript Fundamentals II

Day 2 - JS Fundamentals III

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video: Javascript III - 1. Objects
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will understand how Objects differ from Arrays
    • Students will understand use cases for objects
    • Students will understand how to create and add properties/values to objects
    • Students will understand how to loop through objects
    • Students will understand how to create and invoke a method
    • Students will understand bracket notation vs dot notation
    • Students will understand how to remove keys/props from objects (delete)
  • Projects:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 3 - JS Fundamentals IV

Week 4

Day 1 - Advanced JavaScript I

Day 2 - Advanced JavaScript II

Day 3 - JavaScript Review

Week 5

Day 1 - jQuery I

Day 2 - jQuery II

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video:
    • No video for this lesson. Review yesterday's project, then start today's project.
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will understand the DOM
    • Students will be able to make basic manipulations to the DOM
    • Students will understand visual and functional purpose of the jQuery
  • Project:

Day 3 - jQuery II cont.

  • Lesson Video
    • No video for today. Continue working on the Twitter Clone project.
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students will understand the DOM
    • Students will be able to make basic manipulations to the DOM
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:
  • Assessment:

Week 6

Day 1 - AngularJS I

Day 2 - AngularJS II

  • Pre-Reading:

  • Lesson Video:

  • Mini Project:

  • Learning Objectives

    • Students will understand the purpose of Services in Angular
    • Students will know how to inject services into their controllers
    • Students will know how to call methods on their services from in their controllers and put the response on $scope
    • know the difference between factories and services
  • Additional Reading:

  • Assessment

  • Project:

  • Weeklong Challenge:

Day 3 - AngularJS Workday

  • Lesson Video:
    • No video today. Continue working on the Angular project, mini-projects, or the weeklong challenge.
  • Weeklong Challenge:

Week 7

Day 1 - AngularJS III

Day 2 - Angular IV

Day 3 - Angular Review I

In-class practice project : Angular Drills

Week 8

Day 1 - Angular V

  • Pre-Reading:

  • Lesson Video:

  • Install these before class!:

  • Mini Project:

  • Learning Objectives

    • Students will understand the methodology behind routing and templating
    • Students will be able to set up a basic routing system with multiple views and controllers using UI-Router
    • Students will be able to use resolve to resolve data and pass in data to their controller before theirn controller initializes
    • Students will be able to use stateParams to gather data from the URL
  • Project:

  • Assessment:

  • Weeklong Challenge:

  • Class Survey:

Day 2 - Angular V Workday

  • Pre-Reading:

  • Lesson Video:

    • No video for today's class
  • Install these before class!:

  • Learning Objectives

    • Students will understand the methodology behind routing and templating
    • Students will be able to set up a basic routing system with multiple views and controllers using UI-Router
    • Students will be able to use resolve to resolve data and pass in data to their controller before theirn controller initializes
    • Students will be able to use stateParams to gather data from the URL
  • Project:

    • DevMtn Travels Continue working on the travels project or work on the weeklong challenge
  • Assessment

  • Weeklong Challenge:

  • Class Survey:

Day 3 - Angular VI

Week 9

Day 1 - Angular VI Workday

Day 2 - ES6

Day 3 - Angular & ES6 Review II

  • Review & Finish Intern Project, any Angular projects.
  • Class Survey:

Week 10

Day 1 - NodeJS I

  • Lesson Video:
  • Mini Project:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Students understand what Node is and that it can be used as a server
    • Student will understand how HTTP works to communicate between client & server
    • Student will understand the need for a module like express
    • Student can use require to import a Node module
    • Student will understand the basic utility of a package.json file
    • Student can create a HTTP NodeJS server using express
    • Students can explain endpoints and create basic ones testing them with Postman
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 2 - NodeJS II

  • Lesson Video:
  • Mini Project:
    • Review Chatty/Build a basic API
  • Learning Objectives
    • Student can require other .js files in the project
    • Student can use bodyParser to get data out of the body
    • Student can use req.params
    • Student is introduced to req.query
    • Student understands the request response lifecycle in express including the order in which functions are called
    • Student can utilize middleware
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 3 - NodeJS III

  • Lesson Video:
  • Mini Project:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Student can use Express to serve static files
    • Student can use routing in Express to create basic API endpoints
    • Student can use route params to make dynamic endpoints
    • Student can build a front-end Angular application that connects to a back-end NodeJS API
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Week 11

Day 1 - SQL I

  • Lesson Video:
  • Before class:
  • Mini Project:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Understand how to write SQL queries to select records from a single table
    • Understand how to write SQL queries to create a table
    • Understand how to write SQL queries to create records for a single table
  • Project:
  • Note:
    • You will want to get started on Day 2 when you finish this one.

Day 2 - SQL II

  • Lesson Video:
  • Before class:
  • Mini Project:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Understand how to write SQL queries to select records from multiple tables
    • Understand how to write SQL queries to edit records
    • Understand how to write SQL queries to delete records
  • Project:

Day 3 - Postgres I

Week 12

Day 1 - NodeJS IV & Ecommerce Project

  • Lesson Video:
  • Mini Project:
  • Learning Objectives
    • Student can distinguish between Basic Auth, Form-based Auth, Token-based Auth, and OAuth
    • Student can use express sessions to restrict access to resources
    • Student can use passport to authenticate users with providers like Twitter, Facebook, etc.
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 2 - Ecommerce Project Day II

Day 3 - Ecommerce Project Day III & Code Reviews

Week 13

Day 1 - Ecommerce Project Day IV

Day 2 - Ecommerce Project Day V

Day 3 - Ecommerce Project Day VI & Code Reviews

Week 14

Day 1 - Ecommerce Project Day VII

Day 2 - Ecommerce Project Day VIII

Day 3 - Ecommerce Project Day IX & Code Reviews

Week 15

Day 1 - React I

Day 2 - React I Workday

Day 3 - React II

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video: No video for this lesson.
  • Learning Objectives
    • Understand the Life Cycle of a Components
    • Understand how to use propTypes and getDefaultProps
    • Understand what Mixins are and how they’re useful
    • How to use React w/ jQuery and specifically to make Ajax requests
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Week 16

Day 1 - React II Workday

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video: No Video for Today
  • Learning Objectives
    • Understand the Life Cycle of a Components
    • Understand how to use propTypes and getDefaultProps
    • Understand what Mixins are and how they’re useful
    • How to use React w/ jQuery and specifically to make Ajax requests
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 2 - React III

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video: No video for this lesson.
  • Learning Objectives
    • Understand the purpose and benefits of Redux
    • Understand how to architect a Redux app with the following
      • actions
      • components
      • containers
      • reducers
  • Project:
  • Additional Reading:

Day 3 - Final Workday / Class Wrap-up

  • Pre-Reading:
  • Lesson Video: No Video for Today
  • Project:


© DevMountain LLC, 2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from DevMountain, LLC is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to DevMountain with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.