
Kubernetes YAML Examples to deploy a containerized applications.

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Kubernetes YAML Examples to deploy a containerized applications.

K8S Yaml File List

Directory Description Kinds
./app-node Node.JS Yaml files - Ingress
- Service
- Pod
./app-spring Spring Boot Yaml files - Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
./app-volume Pod connected to Volume Yaml files - Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
- Volume
./database Database Yaml files
- PostgreSQL
- ConfigMap
- Secret
- Ingress
- Service
- Pod
- Volume
./deploy Jenkins Yaml files - ServiceAccount
- Role
- RoleBinding
- Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
- Volume
./ingress-nginx Ingres Nginx Customized Yaml files for Baremetal Server Refer to Annotaion "MODIFIED" in Yaml file
./externa-resource The Endpoint to connect to service out of Kubernetes - Service
- Endpoint
./monitoring Log Monitoring Solutions Yaml and configuration files
- filebeat
- logstash
- ServiceAccount
- ClusterRole
- ClusterRoleBinding
- ConfigMap
- DaemonSet
./solution Solutions Yaml files
- kafka
- keycloak
- zookeeper
- RabbitMQ
- Redis
- Ingress
- Service
- Deployment
- Statefulset