Ayush Kumar Rai Portfolio

This repository contains the code for Ayush Kumar Rai's personal portfolio website. The website showcases Ayush's skills, projects, and contact information.

Table of Contents


The website provides an overview of Ayush Kumar Rai's background, skills, and experience. It includes details about Ayush's story, programming languages, front-end and back-end technologies, and tools used.


The Projects section displays some of Ayush's featured projects, including:

  • Personal Website
  • VideoVerse
  • MI Online Store
  • Car Rental
  • CareCommune
  • MineBot

Each project includes a brief description, images, technologies used, and a link to view the project.


The Contact section allows visitors to get in touch with Ayush. It includes a form where users can fill in their name, email, select a subject line, and write a message to reach out to Ayush.

Technologies Used

The website is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also uses the Devicon library for displaying programming language and tool icons.

Setup and Installation

To run this project locally, simply clone this repository and open the index.html file in a web browser.