
Linearly estimates the time left when locally queuing to join a New World (Game) server.

Primary LanguageJava


Linearly estimates the time left when locally queuing to join a New World (Game) server. The queue positions are received using the Tesseract OCR API.

My personal non-binding building environment conditions

  • IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.2
  • openJDK 17 (But was originally built with openJDK 15)
  • Maven 3.6.3 dependencies:
    • tess4J 4.5.5
    • slf4j 1.7.32

Important Notes


The main method for estimation lies in OCR.newworld.queue.estimator.MainEstimator.


The ScreenshotHandler has a preset to crop the New World application window to just the queue position number. Check the ./screenshots/New World folder for the exact data I ran on. 3 .JPG image files are standardly stored in here max.

The preset parameters for cropping screenshots of New World might not fit your system. See the class OCR.newworld.screenshot.ScreenshotHandler and overloaded method File takeScreenshotOfApp(...) to adjust the cropping parameters for New World.

OCR Mistakes

Especially because Tesseract is running with no matching .traineddata for New World's font, mistakes occur and are more probable the higher the queue position numbers are. Mostly, though, are queue position numbers in doubt filtered out.

Exemplary Console Output

You can see below a snip out of an exemplary console output following the scheme:

  • The recognized text by the OCR
  • The queue position history list
  • The current figured position from the recognized text
  • The estimation
  • (Exception when e.g. OCR fails)
Click to expand!
Recognized text: 907

Queue Histroy {1039, 1013, 1013, 1003, 1003, 988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, }
Current Position: 907
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 31 minutes

Recognized text: 895

Queue Histroy {1013, 1013, 1003, 1003, 988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, }
Current Position: 895
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 29 minutes

Recognized text: 885

Queue Histroy {1013, 1003, 1003, 988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, }
Current Position: 885
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 27 minutes

Recognized text: 885

Queue Histroy {1003, 1003, 988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, }
Current Position: 885
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 27 minutes

The queue position cannot rise or fall more than 100 positions at a time!
Recognized text: 0

Queue Histroy {1003, 988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, }
Current Position: 885
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 27 minutes

Recognized text: 857

Queue Histroy {1003, 988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, 857, }
Current Position: 857
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 2 minutes

Recognized text: 847

Queue Histroy {988, 982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, 857, 847, }
Current Position: 847
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 1 minutes

Recognized text: 847

Queue Histroy {982, 982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, 857, 847, 847, }
Current Position: 847
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 1 minutes

Recognized text: 843

Queue Histroy {982, 972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, 857, 847, 847, 843, }
Current Position: 843
Estimated time until join: 2 hours, 0 minutes

Recognized text: 823

Queue Histroy {972, 972, 964, 957, 957, 938, 938, 925, 925, 901, 907, 907, 895, 885, 885, 857, 847, 847, 843, 823, }
Current Position: 823
Estimated time until join: 1 hours, 57 minutes

External Sources

Tesseract OCR trained data (tessData):

Code base to make screenshots of specific windows: StackOverflow: wutzebaer