/* A Personal Task Management System is used to help users to manage and monitor their tasks. The system will help them to be more organized, productive and efficient in completing their work. Users have to enter the task name, due dates and select a category when adding a new task into the system. They can search and view the existing tasks, or delete any existing tasks. Any data entry mistakes and completed tasks can be updated by modifying the existing records (tasks) by correcting the task name, due date, category and status.

Personal Task Management : ==MENU== 1) Add New Task 2) View All Tasks 3) Sort By Date 4) Update Task 5) Delete Task 6) Exit Program Enter option:

The Personal Task Management have the following features; Add a new task to the system. • Manage the tasks by, Updating the task information; name, category, due date and status, or Deleting any unwanted tasks or data entry mistakes.

Sort and view tasks in ascending or descending order with reference to the due date. Retains the task information/record in a file. */