
NYU CSCI-GA.2820-001 DevOps Summer 2021 Squad: Orders

Primary LanguagePython


Build Status codecov

The orders resource is a collection of order items where each item represents a product, its quantity, and its price. We implement a subordinate REST API to place order items into the order collection (e.g., /orders/{id}/ items). We also associate the order with a customer through its customer id.

Order API

  • /orders : This is the API that handles orders. The order has the following fields:

    id, customer_id, address, status, [items]

  • /orders/{id}/items : This is the API that handles items inside an order. Items have the following field:

    item_id, order_id, quantity, price, item_name


dev: https://nyu-order-service-sum21.us-south.cf.appdomain.cloud/

prod: https://nyu-order-service-sum21-prod.us-south.cf.appdomain.cloud/


  1. Install Vagrant, VirtualBox/Docker.
  2. Clone this repository.


Use the provided Vagrantfile to start a virtual machine, and start the server using the Procfile

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/
cp dot-env-example .env
source .env
honcho start

The server should be visible on your local machine at


  • GET /orders - returns a list of all of the orders. Takes customer_id and item for queries.
  • GET /orders/<int:order_id> - returns an order with the id of order_id or throws a NotFound exception if it doesn't exist
  • POST /orders - adds an order and returns the added order
  • PUT /orders/<int:order_id> - update the order with id of order_id or throws a NotFound exception if it doesn't exist
  • POST /orders/<int:order_id>/items - adds an item to the order with id of order_id and return the added item or 404 if the order doesn't exist
  • DELETE /orders/<int:order_id> - deletes the order with id of order_id if it exists and returns a 204 regardless of whether an actually deletion was performed
  • DELETE /orders/<int:order_id>/items/<int:item_id> - deletes the item with id of item_id in the order with id of order_id. It returns a 404 if either the order or the item doesn't exist.
  • PUT /orders/<int:order_id>/cancel - cancels the order with id of order_id. Returns 200 for successful cancelling, returns 404 for orders not exist, returns 409 if the order in status Completed/Returned.



To run unit tests with coverage:

  1. Logging into the VM and navigating to /vagrant/
  2. Run nosetests


To run integration test:

  1. Run honcho start after logging into the VM and navigating to /vagrant/
  2. In a separate terminal, navigate to /vagrant/ and run behave


Please assign yourself a user story from the top of "Sprint Backlog" and move it the "In Progress" column. Once you finish implementing the story on the local feature branch, push the branch and start a Pull Request. Please make sure there are no pending change requests and at least one person has approved the PR before merging. Please always use the "Squash and Merge" option
