
Kevin Ryan Curriculum Vitae

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Kevin Ryan - Curriculum Vitae

DevOps Coach, DevOps Engineer, Blogger, Podcaster, Author, Founder

"An Agile Coach will console you about your problems. A DevOps Coach will use a console to help you solve them".

Location : Valencia, Spain
Status : Building 'all the things!' with GitHub actions.

Contact Information

Email : kevin@pulpdigital.com
GitHub ID : https://github.com/devopsKev
GitHub Org : https://github.com/pulp-digital
Web : https://pulpdigital.com/
Blog : https://blog.pulpdigital.com/
Podcast : https://devopsprogram.com/

Personal Projects

The DevOps Program

DevOps Kanban Book

Professional Biography

Kevin is an Agile and DevOps Coach who will bring 20 years of experience to support you on your journey to embrace Agile methods and DevOps practices.

An early-adoptor of Agile development Kevin has always kept his finger on the pulse of technology and software engineering. Kevin combines experience with state-of-the-art agile engineering methods.

Kevin was part of the Agile 1.0 movement, applying XP, TDD, Executable Specification, and Continuous Integration as an engineer since the early naughties. Throughout his career, Kevin has observed the introduction of most practices now considered Agile from inception to widespread industry adoption.

The world was just exiting the Dark Ages; Google had arrived.

Beginning as a software engineer, Kevin’s career and professional experience expanded into Agile consultancy, Coaching, Digital Product Development, and Management Consultancy. He now works with companies to support their transition to Agile and DevOps from team to enterprise scale.


Coaching, Scrum, Kanban, XP, Lean, Agile Project and Portfolio Management, Agile Estimation, User Story Mapping, TDD, BDD, HDD, DDD, Pair Programming, Evolving Architecture, Lean UX, Refactoring.


Coaching, CALMS, CICD, Inner Source, Open Source, Git, GitFlow, Distributed Version Control, Infrastructure as Code, Cloud Native, Serverless, Executable Specification, Deployment Patterns, Linux, OKRs, KPIs


Radtac / Agile & DevOps Coach

  • Multiple clients including:
    • Vodafone
    • William Hill Online
    • World Remit
    • Hello Fresh

Independent / Agile & DevOps Coach

  • Multiple clients including:
    • Volkswagen
    • Sky
    • Codere
    • Lantum
    • JLL
    • CBRE
    • Colliers

EY / Digital Product & Agile Coach

  • July 2015 - April 2016, LONDON UK
  • Informa PLC

McKinsey & Company / Agile Coach

  • February 2015 - July 2015, LONDON UK

BBC Worldwide / Interim Portfolio Director

  • September 2012 - May 2014, LONDON UK
  • Multiple brands including:
    • bbc.com
    • bbcgoodfood.com
    • topgear.com
    • Global iPlayer
    • BBC Store

Financial Times / Agile Coach

  • January 2010 - Sept 2012, LONDON UK

A.P. Moller - Maersk / Agile Coach

  • June 2011 - Sept 2011, COPENHAGEN DK

Pearson Group / Agile Engineering Coach

  • September 2008 - December 2009, LONDON UK

BAA / Agile Engineering Coach

  • September 2007 - December 2008, LONDON UK

Barclays / Agile Engineering Coach

  • January 2007 - September 2007, LONDON UK

Xansa / Agile Engineer

  • February 2006 - January 2007, LONDON UK

Further employment history available on request.


Birmingham City University / Hons Digital Media

  • SEPT 1994 - JUNE 1997, BIRMINGHAM UK

Professional Certification


GitLab Certified Implementation Services Specialist

GitLab Certified DevOps Professional

GitLab Certified Security Specialist

GitLab Certified Services Engineer Professional

GitLab Certified Migration Services Specialist

GitLab Certified Project Management Associate

GitLab Certified CI/CD Associate

GitLab Certified Git Associate

Launch Darkly

Launch Darkly Platinum Developer Certification

Launch Darkly Gold Developer Certification

Launch Darkly Silver Developer Certification

Launch Darkly Bronze Developer Certification


William Hill Online

‘Best Use of Agile in the Private Sector’ UK Agile Awards 2014

When Wiliam Hill won the 2014 Agile Award, Kevin was Radtac’s Principle Agile Coach supporting Wiliam Hill Online’s Agile adoption program.


  • Music
  • Sailing
  • Hiking