
Terraform, kubectl, helm and aws cli plus a helper script.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


Terraform, kubectl, helm and aws cli plus a helper script.

Run locally

You can create an alias that will allow you to run all the tools from within the container...

alias t7m-tools='docker run --rm -it \
-v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
-v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
-v ~/.kube:/root/.kube \
-v `pwd`:/workspaces \
-w /workspaces \

Subsequent runs of t7m-tools will place you in the bash and cd you into /workspaces. It will also mount ~/.ssh, ~/.aws and ~/.kube so your settings are immediately available.

tf cli helper

An addition to the tools is tf It has the following options:

  • -e <env> | --env <env> environment to be used. It expects var/<env>.hcl and var/<env>.tfvars to be present.
  • -i | --init: initialize terraform. You only need to include this flag on first run or if you switch from one <env> to another.
  • -c:--color: show colorful output.

Some examples:

  • tf -e env2 -i -c plan run plan on env2 after initializing with color output.
  • tf -e env1 -c apply run apply on env1 with color output.
  • tf -e env3 apply -auto-approve run non interactive apply.