
general information about the DevOps Ottawa Meetup

DevOps Ottawa Meetup

Welcome to DevOps Ottawa Meetup!


Build a strong local cloud development and DevOps community.


Quarterly meetup with a "show and tell" format. We rotate our meetings at different local companies who host and share what they've learned in the cloud development and DevOps space.

What's required to host?

Hosts are required to come up with the talks and provide the pizza/drinks. Hosts usually provide the venue as well but we can help with that if you don't have the space.

What is the agenda for a typical meetup?

A typical meetup involves a few speaker presentations and some time for Q&A. Speaker presentations usually vary from one to three presenters who typically speak from 30 minutes to one hour. The meetup usually runs from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.

How many guests will be invited?

The entire meetup group will be invited and typically 40-50 people attend.

Why host?

In addition to building a stronger local development community, hosting a meetup is great way to get visibility for your company and network with local developers.

Previous meetups

We've had some great meetups so far, see our meetup slides for more details.

Questions / Interested?

Have questions? Interested in hosting? You can use the contact button on our Meetup Page to reach us for more information.

Thank you for supporting our local development community!