DevOps Playground: July 2022 - Introduction to MLOps

  1. Overview
  2. Repository Details
    1. Pipeline Folder
    2. Utils Folder
    3. ETL Folder
    4. Model Folder
    5. Tests Folder
  3. Steps to Create MLOps Pipeline


In this session we will take a deep dive into

  • Understanding MLOps
  • How MLOps is implemented in ML lifecycle?
  • How does MLOps relate to DevOps?
  • who are the people of MLOps?
  • why do we need MLOps?

We shall then create our first MLOps pipeline using AWS Stack:

  • CodeCommit
  • CodePipeline
  • Step Functions
  • Amazon SageMaker

The ML model's job in this example is to forecast which potential consumers are most likely to engage with a particular offer using data from the Target Direct Marketing - Bank dataset. Data for this is obtained from AWS autopilot direct marketing dataset

Repository Details

All the resources needed to assemble the parts of an MLOps pipeline are contained in this repository.

Pipeline Folder

Contains all the resources required to build and deploy the components for MLOps pipeline.

  • ModelGroup: Contains a lambda function to create an Amazon SageMaker Model Registry that contains a group of versioned ML models
  • ETLLaunchJob: Contains a lambda function to launch the Glue ETL job.
  • ETLJobMonitor: Contains a lambda function to monitor the progress/ status of above launched GLue ETL job. The success/ failure status of the job is then fed into the CodePipeline ETLApproval.
  • TrainingLaunchJob: Contains a lambda function to launch an Amazon SageMaker Training job.
  • TrainingJobMonitor: Contains a lambda function to monitor the progress/ status of above launched Amazon SageMaker Training job. The success/ failure status of the job is then fed into the CodePipeline TrainApproval.
  • MLOpsPipeline: This is the CloudFormation template to create below resources
    • deploy all the lambda functions.
    • create an AWS CodeBuild project to build the training and inference container - "BuildImageProject".
    • create an AWS CodeBuild project to build system test workflow - "BuildWorkflowProject".
    • create an AWS CodeBuild project to customize a CloudFormation template to deploy Development and Production models - "BuildDeploymentProject".
    • create an IAM Role with {ModelName} and access Policy MLOps to create and manage resources in pipeline.

Utils Folder

Contains the scripts to manual checks on pipeline resources

  • Prod Load: Simulates load on production endpoint using the testing dataset from output of ETL job.
  • Validate Resource: Validates if pipeline required S3 buckets and ECR container is created and available.

ETL Folder

Contains the code to perform data pre-processing and provide a prepared data for training, validation, testing and baseline. Details of the code can be checked here.

Model Folder

Contains the code for model using a BYOC (Bring Your Own Container) scenario. Details of the modelling and BYOC can be checked here.

Tests Folder

Contains the code to perform automated System Tests once the model has been deployed to Development/ QA endpoint. Details of the System Test workflow can be checked here

Steps to Create MLOps Pipeline

We will be working to create and deploy below architecture. Navigate to Steps for MLOps Pipeline to start with building your first MLOps pipeline.
