"Thanks for your reading, please give me a STAR!"
"Start writing some Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets (Sass). Clean, beautiful code, make other devs be able to read what is there & understand it!"
- "node-sass --output-style compressed scss --output css" in assets directory for compile *.scss files into css files;
- "npm run build" or "gulp sdocs" in root of project directory for generate sass documentation;
- "compass watch" for watching & compile our scss code project.
- Visual Studio Code v1.67.1
- Node.js 16
- LibSass (with node-sass): a wrapped C/C++ library
- Compass: 1.0.3 (Polaris)
- Toolkit: SassDoc 2.0 from Hugo in Gulp pipelines
- Sass: https://sass-lang.com/
- SassDoc: http://sassdoc.com/
- Compass: http://compass-style.org/