
Call-tool leaderboards! For phone bankers to compete with each other.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Calling leaderboards

Call-tool leaderboards! For phone bankers to compete with each other.

how it works

chrome-extension/manifest.json defines the Chrome extension. On URLs matching https://www.votebuilder.com/*:

content script

Load Keen SDK, jQuery, and Keen API key (dependencies) and chrome-extension/site-votebuilder.js. This script:

  • get username and full name from current Votebuilder page
  • extract committee and state from a Votebuilder script tag
  • look for links to an AutoDialLoad page (example: <a href="https://www.votebuilder.com/AutoDialLoad.aspx?ActivateAutoDialID=36831">CA2NV Recruit 10.1</a>). Extract the phonebank id from the URL query param and the name from the link, and save in localStorage
  • send a message using chrome.runtime.sendMessage containing the user, phonebank, and comittee info (who is this user, and which phonebank are they using)

Four pages send an event to Keen.io containing the dialer type, username, full name, phonebank, com,ittee, state, and action.

Manual dialer

On VirtualPhoneBankRun, get phoneank id and name from the DOM, and send an event with action: checkin when user clicks the Next button

On ContactDetailScript, send an event with action call. Add a contact param:

  • click Skip: send contact: false
  • click Save - Next Household: send contact: true

Predictive dialer

On AutoDialLoad, get phonebank id from the URL and the name from localStorage. Send an event with action: checkin when user clicks the Next button

On AutoDialDisposition, send an event with action call. Add a contact param:

  • if reason selected: send contact: false and reason: selected_reason
  • send contact: true


Both the manual and predictive dialers have surveys. On both pages, extract get selected values from survey, and send with event:

survey: {
    index: "3"
    question: "What's the answer?",
    answer: "42",
    answerIndex: 3

Results for first six survey questions are viewable on dashboard.html

background page

In an invisible background tab, load chrome-extension/background.html. This page:

Loads data from Keen, draws metric counts and the leaderboard table, and writes the phonebank name. It can take a few seconds to fully load the data. This page loads it in the background, so that it's available immediately when the user clicks the extension button.

Listens for the messages sent by the extension when a user does something (call or checkin), and refreshes the data if needed.

Refreshes the data if it's been 5 minutes since the last update.


When the user clicks the extension's button, load chrome-extension/popup.html into the extension window. This page copies the metrics and leaderboard content from the background page's DOM, and displays a link to the full dashboard.


load local version of extension

In Chrome, go to chrome://extensions

Make sure Developer mode checkbox is checked

Click Load unpacked extensionsz

Select the chrome-extension directory under this one

Optional but useful: install Keen Debugger extension

developer setup

cd chrome-extension
bower install


Get static copies of pages from #proj-leader-board---t and unzip into pages directory

Run python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Load local static files:



full name #action-bar-dropdown-username username #action-bar-dropdown-van-name committee name #action-bar-dropdown-van-committee

angular.module('van.context', []).value('contextValueService', {"clientID":"DNC","culture":{"currentCulture":"","defaultCulture":"","defaultSystemCulture":"en-US"},"state":{"id":"DNCCA","clientID":"DNC","name":"VoteBuilder California","shortName":"California"},"committee":{"id":"EID449DN","name":"2016 California Coordinated Campaign","shortName":"16 CA Coordinated Campaign"},"user":{"id":1252386,"firstName":"jane","lastName":"caller","email":"caller@test.com","isUsingNewSupportRequests":false},"currentTabName":"My Campaign","linkedTabName":"My Voters","dateFormat":"M/d/yyyy","jQueryDateFormat":"m/d/yy","pageSpecificContext":{},"dateTimeFormat":"M/d/yyyy h:mm a","timeZoneOffset":-420});

clientID DNC state.shortName California committee.shortName 16 CA Coordinated Campaign

user.firstName jane user.lastName caller

phone bank select


selected = $('input[name="ctl00$ContentPlaceHolderVANPage$WizardControl$VanDetailsItemVPBList$VANInputItemDetailsItemVPBList$VPBList"]').val()

submit = input[type="submit"] or #ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderVANPage_WizardControl_StartNavigationTemplateContainerID_ButtonStartNext



made contact #switch

if yes: $('#result-list').length == 0 if no: $('#result-list').length > 0 Skip button input[value="Skip"] Save input[value="Save - Next Household"]