
CDK Lambda API Gateway sample project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sample project for API Gateway and Lambda with CDK

To deploy without dependencies and CloudFormation limitation of Template body size(512k), create small API stacks for each Microservice or module.


Table of Contents

  1. Deploy root-api stack
  2. Deploy device-api stack
  3. Deploy product-api stack


npm install -g aws-cdk@2.33.0

# install packages in the root folder
npm install
cdk bootstrap

Use the cdk command-line toolkit to interact with your project:

  • cdk deploy: deploys your app into an AWS account
  • cdk synth: synthesizes an AWS CloudFormation template for your app
  • cdk diff: compares your app with the deployed stack
  • cdk watch: deployment every time a file change is detected

CDK Stack

Stack Time
root-api (24kb) 1m 30s
device-api (24kb) 1m 30s
product-api (20kb) 1m 30s
Total 4m 30s


Use the deploy-all.sh file if you want to deploy all stacks without prompt at a time.

Step 1: root-api

Create the root API and dummy method to import from device-api and product-api stacks.

cd root-api
cdk deploy


Step 2: device-api

cd ../device-api
cdk deploy


SSM parameter:

  • /cdk-lambda-apigateway/rest-api-id
  • /cdk-lambda-apigateway/root-resource-id

Step 3: product-api

cd ../product-api
cdk deploy


SSM parameter:

  • /cdk-lambda-apigateway/rest-api-id
  • /cdk-lambda-apigateway/root-resource-id

Clean Up



├── app
│   └── hello.js
├── build.gradle
├── clean-up.sh
├── deploy-all.sh
├── device-api
│   ├── bin
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── cdk.json
│   ├── config.ts
│   ├── jest.config.js
│   └── lib
│       └── device-api-stack.ts
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── product-api
│   ├── bin
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── cdk.json
│   ├── config.ts
│   ├── jest.config.js
│   └── lib
│       └── product-api-stack.ts
├── root-api
│   ├── bin
│   │   └── index.ts
│   ├── cdk.json
│   ├── config.ts
│   ├── jest.config.js
│   └── lib
│       └── root-api-stack.ts
├── screenshots
│   └── apigw.png
└── tsconfig.json
