Collection of phishing and malicious links that focuses on Steam and Discord scams.
- 0zul@pixbotdiscord
- 3ncy@ssps-cyberteam
- Aayush117India
- Berk404
- carlos55mlSpain
- curtisbear23Somewhere in the Philippines
- d1g1tMangalore, India
- danthe1stAustria
- DevSpen
- Dfintz
- FlixProdGermany
- fluteds@acebos
- iam-py-testAnywhere with a Mars rover (i.e. Mars)
- idkwhyimhereandwhatimdoing
- ihyajb
- IinksafeLink Safe
- IMXNOOBXAcademy Of Life
- jasonlessenichSIRUP
- KoolMohSomewhere
- LightningBolt62
- MDMA1312
- MoonTM-GIT@telekom
- NotNoob06i work for myself
- NuttyShrimp@Studentkickoff
- nyakase@LITdevs
- OnCloud125252@Lazco-Studio , @NewMD-org
- RubyliumFrance
- SammarJunejaIndia
- spiri-leo
- Takiyo0isekai
- TheDeafCreeper
- TheXorog
- triangular-snowman
- visible-Boy
- webfashionist
- wioniqle-qwioniqle.q