KotlinBukkitAPI is an API for Bukkit/SpigotAPI using the cool and nifty features Kotlin has to make your life more easier.
- 0
- 0
Repository conflicts with paperweight
#31 opened by TheSirCororo - 0
Please update dependencies.json
#29 opened by Janmm14 - 0
Incompatibility with Java 16
#28 opened by Hafixion - 1
- 0
Support Coroutines Flow in Menu DSL
#22 opened by DevSrSouza - 16
Outdated Bukkit API
#16 opened by CDFN - 0
Location serialization does not work
#21 opened by Cubxity - 3
Support invoke
#20 opened by smallshen - 2
Command Arguments material()
#19 opened by smallshen - 4
Create a discord channel
#18 opened by zoeleu - 13
- 1
Integration into server Jar File
#15 opened by smallshen - 4
[Commands] add support for handling exceptions
#14 opened by Cubxity - 7
- 2
Release the package to Maven Central or equivalent instead of self hosted for backup
#11 opened by stevefan1999-personal - 2
Pagination documentation?
#13 opened by stevefan1999-personal - 2
Possible to support BungeeCord
#10 opened by smallshen - 1
- 1
Cannot build latest version.
#5 opened by tomocrafter - 0
Cannot use ProtocolLib extension
#6 opened by tomocrafter - 1
- 1
EventDSL problem
#1 opened by DevNatan - 1
All server listeners being unregistered.
#4 opened by DevNatan