
Redis Kotlin wrapper inspired on Exposed

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

. Redissed

Redis Kotlin wrapper inspired on Exposed

Getting started


dependencies {




import br.com.devsrsouza.redissed.RedisObject

class MyObject(database: String, commands: RedissedCommands) : RedisObject(database, commands) {
  var hello: String? by string()
  var hi: String by string("Hi")

  val other: OtherObject by obj { OtherObject(it, commands) }

class OtherObject(database: String, commands: RedissedCommands) : RedisObject(database, commands) {
  var something = string()

  var points: Int = int(0)

val database = "my:db"
val commands: RedissedCommands = myClient.redissed

val my = MyObject("$database:obj", commands)

my.hello = "Hello" // setting "Hello" to my:db:obj:hello
my.hi // getting my:db:obj:hi from Redis if not exist return default "Hi"

my.hello = null // removing data from my:db:obj:hello

my.other.something = "Anything" // setting "Anything" to my:db:obj:other:something
my.other.points = 10 // setting 10 to my:db:obj:other:points

Supported Redis Clients

  • Jedis
  • Lettuce


import br.com.devsrsouza.redissed.clients.redissed
import br.com.devsrsouza.redissed.RedissedCommands

val jedis = Jedis("localhost", 6379)

val commands: RedissedCommands = jedis.redissed


import br.com.devsrsouza.redissed.clients.redissed
import br.com.devsrsouza.redissed.RedissedCommands

val redis = RedisClient.create(RedisURI.create("localhost", 6379))
val conn = redis.connect()
val sync = conn.sync()

val commands: RedissedCommands = sync.redissed

Supported types

string(): String?
string(default: String): String
byte(): Byte?
byte(default: Byte): Byte
short(): Short?
short(default: Short): Short
int(): Int?
int(default: Int): Int
long(): Long?
long(default: Long): Long
boolean(): Boolean?
boolean(default: Boolean): Boolean
obj(factory: (key: String) -> RedisObject): RedisObject


Auto expires a key

var your_key: String? by string().expire(5) // in seconds

You can use withExpire to tell the expiration time for a specific value or get the expiration time of a value

var my_key: Pair<String, Int> by string("my default key").withExpire()

my_key = "my new value expiring in 10 sec" to 10

// get the expiration time of a key
val (value, time) = my_key
// returns the expiration time in seconds or
// returns -2 if the key does not exist.
// returns -1 if the key exists but has no associated expire.