
A todo app using firebase and flutter as part of youtube series

Primary LanguageDart

Welcome to flutter-with-firebase 👋

Version License: MIT

This project made for those who wanted to learn about the firebase and thier Auth, Cloud Storage and Cloud function modules with Flutter. This repo will help to understand how to use firebase with flutter using a fully functional Todo App


Topic covered

  • SignIn/Sign Up with Email and Password
  • SignIn/SignUp with Google
  • SignIn/SignUp using Phone Number
  • Create New todo
  • Perform Crud Operation ( Create, Read , Delete and Update todo )


1. Intro screenshots

2. SignIn/ SIgnUp page

3. Google login

4. SignIn/SignUp via mobile number and otp page

5. Home Page

6. Create new todo page

7. View your todo page

8. Update/Delete todo page


flutter pub get


flutter run


👤 Balram Rathore

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