Network |
Chain Tip |
Get the tip info about the latest block seen by chain |
Genesis Info |
Get the Genesis parameters used to start specific era on chain |
Get historical tokenomic stats |
Get the circulating utxo, treasury, rewards, supply and reserves in lovelace for specified epoch, all epochs if empty |
Epoch |
Epoch Information |
Get the epoch information, all epochs if no epoch specified |
Epoch's Protocol Parameters |
Get the protocol parameters for specific epoch, returns information about all epochs if no epoch specified |
Block |
Block List |
Get summarised details about all blocks (paginated - latest first) |
Block Information |
Get detailed information about a specific block |
Block Transactions |
Get a list of all transactions included in a provided block |
Transactions |
Transaction Information |
Get detailed information about transaction(s) |
Transaction UTxOs |
Get UTxO set (inputs/outputs) of transactions. |
Transaction Metadata |
Get metadata information (if any) for given transaction(s) |
Transaction Metadata Labels |
Get a list of all transaction metalabels |
Submit Transaction |
Submit an already serialized transaction to the network. |
Transaction Status (Block Confirmations) |
Get the number of block confirmations for a given transaction hash list |
Address |
Address Information |
Get address info - balance, associated stake address (if any) and UTxO set |
Address Transactions |
Get the transaction hash list of input address array, optionally filtering after specified block height (inclusive) |
Address Assets |
Get the list of all the assets (policy, name and quantity) for a given address |
Transactions from payment credentials |
Get the transaction hash list of input payment credential array, optionally filtering after specified block height (inclusive) |
Account |
Account List |
Get a list of all accounts |
Account Information |
Get the account info of any (payment or staking) address |
Account Rewards |
Get the full rewards history (including MIR) for a stake address, or certain epoch if specified |
Account Updates |
Get the account updates (registration, deregistration, delegation and withdrawals) |
Account Addresses |
Get all addresses associated with an account |
Account Assets |
Get the native asset balance of an account |
Account History |
Get the staking history of an account |
Asset |
Asset List |
Get the list of all native assets (paginated) |
Asset Address List |
Get the list of all addresses holding a given asset |
Asset Information |
Get the information of an asset including first minting & token registry metadata |
Asset History |
Get the mint/burn history of an asset |
Asset Policy Information |
Get the information for all assets under the same policy |
Asset Summary |
Get the summary of an asset (total transactions exclude minting/total wallets include only wallets with asset balance) |
Asset Transaction History |
Get the list of all asset transaction hashes (newest first) |
Pool |
Pool List |
A list of all currently registered/retiring (not retired) pools |
Pool Information |
Current pool statuses and details for a specified list of pool ids |
Pool Delegators List |
Return information about delegators by a given pool and optional epoch (current if omitted) |
Pool Blocks |
Return information about blocks minted by a given pool in current epoch (or _epoch_no if provided) |
Pool Stake, Block and Reward History |
Return information about pool stake, block and reward history in a given epoch _epoch_no (or all epochs that pool existed for, in descending order if no _epoch_no was provided) |
Pool Updates (History) |
Return all pool updates for all pools or only updates for specific pool if specified |
Pool Relays |
A list of registered relays for all currently registered/retiring (not retired) pools |
Pool Metadata |
Metadata (on & off-chain) for all currently registered/retiring (not retired) pools |
Script |
Native Script List |
List of all existing native script hashes along with their creation transaction hashes |
Plutus Script List |
List of all existing Plutus script hashes along with their creation transaction hashes |
Script Redeemers |
List of all redeemers for a given script hash |