
WordPress plugin that provide users listing from a remote API on a custom URL endpoint

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

WP User Listing Table

codecov PHP Tests

WP User Listing Table is a WordPress plugin that provides a front-end portal to preview the users being fetched from a remote API. It uses WP rewrite rules API to create a frontend page, wp_remote_*() functions to call the remote API, *_transient() functions for the caching mechanism, adds custom nav menu meta box and also provide an admin options page to be able to set the frontend page slug.

Table of content


To install the plugin, there are two methods:

Using Composer:

Clone this repository in the WordPress plugins directory and do composer install --no-dev in your terminal, then go to your dashboard and activate the plugin.

Using Release assets:

  1. Go to the releases into this repository, and download the latest release wp-user-listing-table-plugin-*.zip zip file.
  2. Upload zip file to WordPress and hit activate.


  • WordPress >= 5.9
  • PHP 7.4 or higher.

Usage & Features

Once the plugin is installed and activated, you can start using it. Here's an overview of the plugin features:

Admin Menu Page

The plugin adds an admin submenu page which will help set the users table URL slug. Go to the WordPress dashboard Settings -> User listing settings. You will find a form that can help you set the frontend page URL slug, and it will be something like this https://example.com/slug-name.

Admin Nav Menu

The plugin adds a custom admin menu metabox which will help the user adding the page link into the navigation menus. Go to the WordPress dashboard Themes -> menus and you will find a new metabox called Users table which will help add the page to the nav menu.


To be able to access the frontend and preview the users table, navigate to your website https://example.com/slug-name. The default users table URL will be https://example.com/user-listing-table.


The plugin contains uninstall.php file which will clean the database, delete the option wpul-table-slug, and call flush_rewrite_rules() to remove all rewrite rules and then recreate rewrite rules.

Developer Docs

How to start development

The plugin does not include PHP-dependencies. Just clone this repository and run composer install

How it works

The plugin uses the WordPress rewrite rules API to register a rewrite rule for the frontend page. This rewrite rule can be controlled using a setting page provided under the Setting menu in the WordPress admin dashboard.

When a user visits the plugin frontend page, it fires a GET request to https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users API using wp_remote_get() to get the list of users, then if the request successes it will cache the response using WordPress transients API and then display the ID, name, and username into a table on the page.

When the user clicks on any cell in a row of the users table, the plugin sends a GET request using jQuery Ajax the website server, then the server send GET request to https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users/{id} API using wp_remote_get() to fetch the single user data, then if the request successes it will cache the response with the user ID in the cache key, so it can load it from the cache every time.

The cache expiration is 1 Hour, and it can be modified using a filter.

Cache System

Although the WordPress introduces the wp_cache_*() functions, the plugin caching system is relying on the WordPress transients API because of the following pros:

  1. The transients are always available and using options MySQL table.
  2. If there are any persistent cache plugin installed, transients will use it instead of MySQL.

Template File

The plugin includes a template file located in plugin_dir/templates/users-table.php which contains the frontend logic. It can be overridden in the active theme by copying it to yourtheme/user-listing-table/users-table.php.


  • wp_users_table_plugin_frontend_loaded Fires when all plugin logic loaded.
  • wp_users_table_load_css_assets Fires when all plugin CSS assets loaded.
  • wp_users_table_load_js_assets Fires when all plugin JS assets loaded.
  • wp_users_table_rewrite_rule_added Fires when all plugin Rewrite rule added.
  • wp_users_table_before_table Fires before rendering frontend users table.
  • wp_users_table_after_table Fires after rendering frontend users table.


  • wp_users_table_template_object Filter the instance of UsersTableTemplate class.
  • wp_users_table_template_regex Filter the template regex with 1 string parameter.
  • wp_users_table_template_query Filter the template query with 1 string parameter.
  • wp_users_table_template_query_vars Filter the WordPress main query vars with array $vars parameter.
  • wp_users_table_template_path Filter the template absolute path with 1 string parameter.
  • wp_users_table_template_tab_title Filter the template title with 1 string parameter.
  • wp_users_table_endpoint_object Filter the instance of EndPoint class.
  • wp_users_table_get_cached_data Filter the cached data with 2 parameters $data array and string $key.
  • wp_users_table_set_cache_data Filter the data before set in cache with $data array parameter.
  • wp_users_table_cache_expiration_time Filter the cache expiration time with int number of seconds parameter.
  • wp_users_table_ajax_users_object Filter the instance of Users class in AjaxEndpoint class.
  • wp_users_table_ajax_cache_object Filter the instance of UsersCache class in AjaxEndpoint class.
  • wp_users_table_ajax_request_endpoint_object Filter the instance of Request class.
  • wp_users_table_data_provider_users_object Filter the instance of Users class in UsersProvider class.
  • wp_users_table_data_provider_cache_object Filter the instance of UsersCache class in UsersProvider class.
  • wp_users_table_assets_object Filter the instance of AssetsLoader class.
  • wp_users_table_rewrite_rule_object Filter the instance of RewriteRule class.
  • wp_users_table_users_list_template Filter the array of users before rendering on the template with array $usersList.


The PHP code sniffer configuration file contains the following rules:

  1. It will test the plugin/src and plugin/tests/PHPUnit/Unit directories.
  2. It will test the code against the Inpsyde coding standards.

To run the PHPCS test, use the following command: vendor/bin/phpcs

PHPUnit Tests Configuration File

The PHPUnit configuration file contains the following main configurations:

  1. It will test only the plugin/src directory.
  2. The test reports will be generated into plugin/coverage directory.
  3. To generate the reports, you will need to install PHP Xdebug.

PHPUnit Test Cases

PHPUnit tests can be run using the following commands:

  • composer tests or vendor/bin/phpunit this command will run all test cases and generate the tests report.
  • composer tests:no-cov or vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage this command will run all test cases without generating the reports.
  • composer tests:codecov this command will run all test cases and generate a report XML file for automated testing using GitHub actions.

The PHPUnit tests is relying on WP_Mock to mock the WordPress functions and make it possible to run the tests without loading WordPress core.

Composer Scripts

The plugin includes Composer scripts that allow you to perform various tasks, such as running tests and linting code. Here's an overview of the available scripts:

  • composer cs - Lints the PHP code using PHPCS.
  • composer tests - Runs the plugin's PHPUnit test cases.
  • composer tests:no-cov - Runs the plugin's PHPUnit test cases without generating code coverage.
  • composer tests:codecov - Runs the plugin's PHPUnit test cases and generate coverage.xml file.
  • composer qa - Do the cs and tests in the same run.

To run a script, open a command line in the plugin's directory and enter the command composer [script], where [script] is the name of the script you want to run.

Composer Packages

Development environment:

  • phpunit/phpunit v9.6.3 for PHP unit testing.
  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer v3.6 for linting, coding standards, and beautifying PHP code.
  • inpsyde/php-coding-standards v1.0 for coding standards testing.
  • 10up/wp_mock for mocking WordPress functions.

No packages required for production environment.

GitHub Actions

  1. php-tests.yml run tests and lints the code whenever changes are pushed to the repository on the master branch.
  2. production-plugin.yml generate the full production plugin zip file ready to upload to WordPress whenever tag is created.

