The Hex-RGB Converter is a Rust library that allows you to convert colors between hexadecimal (hex) and RGB formats. It provides convenient macros and structs to simplify color conversion operations.
To use the Hex-RGB Converter, you need to import the necessary modules and macros into your Rust project:
use hex_rgb_converter::{RgbColor, HexColor, Color};
#[macro_use] mod macros;
The Color struct and macros are provided by the library to facilitate color conversions.
Here are some examples of how you can use the Hex-RGB Converter:
There are multiple ways to instantiate colors using the Hex-RGB Converter:
// all the following lines instantiate the same struct (HexColor)
let hex_1: HexColor = Color::hex("fff");
let hex_2 = HexColor::new("fff");
let hex_3 = hex!("fff");
let hex_4 = color!("fff");
// all the following lines instantiate the same struct (RgbColor)
let rgb_1: RgbColor = Color::rgb(1, 2, 3);
let rgb_2 = RgbColor::new(1, 2, 3);
let rgb_3 = rgb!(1, 2, 3);
let rgb_4 = color!(1, 2, 3);
You can either or not add '#' at the start of the hex colors. For simplicity purposes, we will be using macros to instantiate colors in the tutorial.
To convert a color from hex format to RGB, you can use the color! macro followed by the hex value:
let my_hex_color: HexColor = color!("787878");
let my_color_in_rgb: RgbColor = my_hex_color.to_rgb();
println!("Hex Color: {}", my_hex_color);
println!("RGB Color: {}", my_color_in_rgb);
To convert a color from RGB to hex format, you can use the hex! macro followed by the RGB values:
let test_color: HexColor = hex!("#12ef78").to_rgb().to_hex();
You can also manipulate RGB colors using the provided methods. Here's an example:
let mut rgb_col: RgbColor = color!(23, 2, 255);
// use Colors enum to choose the color (Reg,Green,Blue,All)
//can also use 'r', 'g' and 'b'
println!("RGB Color: {}", rgb_col);
println!("Hex Color: {}", rgb_col.to_hex());
You can compare colors for equality using the is_equal
method for different color formats and RgbColor::are_equal
as well as HexColor::are_equal
methods for the same format. Here's an example:
let hex_col: HexColor = hex!("#fff");
let rgb_col: RgbColor = rgb!(2, 4, 5);
println!("Are hex_col and rgb_col equal? {}", hex_col.is_equal(&rgb_col)); // false here
let other_hex: HexColor = hex!("ffffff");
println!("Are hex_col and other_hex equal? {}", HexColor::are_equal(&hex_col, &other_hex)); // true here
The Hex-RGB Converter also provides a convenient method to get the hex representation of a color by its name:
If you'd like to contribute to the Hex-RGB Converter library, feel free to submit issues or pull requests on the GitHub repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.