
Simple and Clear BottomSheet

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift Version SwiftPM License Platform


When you need to let users choose one of several or know informations by showing bottomSheet, you can use YYBottomSheet. Simple And Clear 😎


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


To create and show a bottomSheet, first of all, import the module at the beginning of the file:

import YYBottomSheet

First of all, you can show the bottomUpTable as below:

let bottomUpTable = YYBottomSheet.init(bottomUpTableTitle: title, dataArray: dataArray, options: nil) { cell in
    // whatever you want to code
    // print("\(cell.indexPath.row) : \(cell.titleLabel.text)")


And button handler (SelectHandler) is just a lambda:

(YYBottomSheetCell) -> ()

Second, you can show the simpleToast as below:

let message = "Hello World!"
let simpleToast = YYBottomSheet.init(simpleToastMessage: message, options: nil)


You can customize several things by setting options as below:


option example
allowTouchOutsideToDismiss false
backgroundAlpha 0.3
tableViewHeight 200
tableRowHeight 50
tableViewCellLabelTextColor UIColor.blue
tableViewSeperatorStyle UITableViewCell.SeparatorStyle.none
tableViewBackgroundColor UIColor.white
headerViewBackgroundColor UIColor.yellow
headerViewTitleLabelTextColor UIColor.red


option example
showDuration 2.0
backgroundColor UIColor.black
beginningAlpha 0.8
messageFont UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 15)
messageColor UIColor.white

Check full example as below:

* BottomUpTable
let title = "Fruits"
let dataArray = ["apple", "grape", "watermelon", "banana", "strawberry", "cherry", "pineapple", "pear"]
let options: [YYBottomSheet.BottomUpTableOptions:Any] = [
    .allowTouchOutsideToDismiss: true,
    .backgroundAlpha: 0.5,
    .tableViewHeight: 200,
    .tableRowHeight: 50,
    .tableViewSeperatorStyle: UITableViewCell.SeparatorStyle.none

let bottomUpTable = YYBottomSheet.init(bottomUpTableTitle: title, dataArray: dataArray, options: options) { cell in
    self.selectedFruitLabel.text = cell.titleLabel.text


* SimpleToast
let options: [YYBottomSheet.SimpleToastOptions:Any] = [
    .showDuration: 2.0,
    .backgroundColor: UIColor.black,
    .beginningAlpha: 0.8,
    .messageFont: UIFont.italicSystemFont(ofSize: 15),
    .messageColor: UIColor.white

let message = "SimpleToast can be customized!"
let simpleToast = YYBottomSheet.init(simpleToastMessage: message, options: options)



YYBottomSheet is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'YYBottomSheet'


DevYeom, dev.yeom@gmail.com


YYBottomSheet is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.