Zupa's Hud & Hud Builder for Epoch Arma 3
Edit the following exceptions to the 7 xxx , only copy the part that starts with ! Search for the tag word and place the rest behind it.
7 displayAddEventHandler !"ZupaKeyUpWorking = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyUp', '_this call ZHB_fnc_handleKey'];"
7 displayRemoveEventHandler !"(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ['KeyUp',ZupaKeyUpWorking];"
7 createDialog !="createDialog \"Z_HUD_Builder\";"
Edit your filters as stated above.
Place the ZHB folder in your mission pbo.
Place the folowing on the bottom of your description.ext
#include "ZHB\ZHudBuilder.hpp"
class RscTitles
#include "ZHB\ZHud.hpp"
class CfgFunctions {
#include "ZHB\ZHB_Functions.hpp"
If you already have a RscTittles and CfgFunctions place it in there ofcourse
DONE - Change the fn_initVariables to your likings.