
It's playlist to get started with Git and Github for explorers who wants to know and learn more about Git version control.


It's playlist to get started with Git and Github for explorers who wants to know and learn more about Git version control. Quick background on git and github






git is a version control system. It lets you keep track of changes to files and folders. It also lets you collaborate with other people on the same project.

GitHub is a website that hosts git repositories. It lets you share your code with other people and collaborate with them. It is located in the cloud. You can access it from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. You can also use it to host your website. It is free for public repositories. You can also pay for private repositories. If you lose your laptop, your code can still be safe on GitHub.

However! GitHub's business model means that they charge for the use of Copilot (unless you're a student!). This means that you are improving GitHub's ability to make profit by using it. If you're not comfortable with this, you can use other git hosting services such as GitLab or BitBucket.