Hackathon Scaffold

This will help get you started on the full-app hackathon by saving you the time you would generally spend setting up your boilerplate.

What's In It?

Basic Layout

The layout for this scaffold should be familiar. We have the standard folders we use for organizing our different kinds of files.


  • Models

    • things.js is a sample model file with a Schema and a module.exports that exports the model
  • Controllers

    • routes.js is where you should have all your routes defined, as well as references to route handlers to be called
    • thingCtrl.js is a sample controller file with route handlers. It contains some Get / Upsert route handlers and requires the things.js model
  • Server.js

    • Basic middleware mounted
    • DB connection to a db called hackathon
    • Server starting on your env.PORT or 3000


  • Public
    • js
      • Angular!
      • Comes with a model, controller, and factory to get you started.
    • partials
      • Partial HTML files for angular routing.
      • Comes with a home.html and about.html sample partials
    • css
      • Put your CSS here!
    • index.html
      • placed in the root of the public folder to take advantage of Express automatically sending down the file on the home ('/') route.