
To Do

Next Steps

  • Add blog post page with posts by author, recent and older post
  • Add instructor details with posts
  • Active classNames on links in header
  • Highlights content slide up?
  • Teacher Training Instructors something
  • Wiring up Contact Us form on home page
  • Wiring up mailing list on footer
  • Contact Us and mailing list form a11y
  • Check links on home page

Technical To Do

  • Manifest
  • Offline/PWA
  • SEO
  • Sitemap
  • Redirects

Nice to Haves

  • Class Packages image on home page
  • Hero image using Image component on home page
  • Add lint-staging checks


  • Home (/)
  • FAQ (/faq)
  • Privacy Notice (/privacy-notice)
  • Terms & Conditions (/terms-and-conditions)
  • COVID-19 Update (/health)
  • Class Schedule (/class-schedule)
  • Class Descriptions (/class-descriptions)
  • New To Yoga/New Student Special (/new-to-yoga)
  • Inside Our Studio (/studio)
  • Testimonials (/testimonials)
  • Instructors (/instructors)
  • Private Sessions (/private-sessions)
  • Events (/events)
  • Pricing (/pricing)
  • Teacher Trainings (/teacher-trainings)
  • Tr1be (/tr1be)
  • Gallery (/gallery)
  • About (/about)
  • Contact (/contact-us)
  • Blog (/blog)


  • New To Yoga/New Student Special (/new-to-yoga)
