
CloudLaunch a Vercel component for automated deployment from Git repositories, providing live links and custom domain assignments to streamline the deployment workflow.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



Developed an advanced deployment pipeline component for Vercel that automated the deployment process of any project from a Git repository. This component ensured that each project was live with a unique link upon deployment and allowed for custom domain assignments. By streamlining the deployment workflow, it enhanced efficiency and ease of use for developers, providing seamless integration and immediate accessibility to their projects.

Setup Guide

This Project contains following services and folders:

  • api-server: HTTP API Server for REST API's
  • build-server: Docker Image code which clones, builds and pushes the build to S3
  • s3-reverse-proxy: Reverse Proxy the subdomains and domains to s3 bucket static assets

Local Setup

  1. Run npm install in all the 3 services i.e. api-server, build-server and s3-reverse-proxy
  2. Docker build the build-server and push the image to AWS ECR.
  3. Setup the api-server by providing all the required config such as TASK ARN and CLUSTER arn.
  4. Run node index.js in api-server and s3-reverse-proxy

At this point following services would be up and running:

S.No Service PORT
1 api-server :9000
2 socket.io-server :9002
3 s3-reverse-proxy :8000

