hodlinfo.com Clone

This project is a clone of the hodlinfo.com website. It involves creating a webpage using React for the frontend and implementing the backend using Node.js.

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Task Description

The task involved the following steps:

  1. Creating a frontend using React to replicate the hodlinfo.com website.
  2. Fetching the top 10 results from the provided API (https://api.wazirx.com/api/v2/tickers) in the backend server.
  3. Storing the required data (name, last, buy, sell, volume, base_unit) from the top 10 results in a MongoDB database.
  4. Implementing an API endpoint in the backend to retrieve the stored data and send it to the frontend.
  5. Displaying the retrieved data on the frontend.

Project Structure

The project consists of two main folders:


  • Contains the React application for the frontend.
  • Typical React project structure with components, styles, and other necessary files.
  • src folder contains the main application code.
  • public folder contains the index.html file and other static assets.


  • Contains the Node.js Express server for the backend.
  • server.js file contains the Express server code and the implementation of API fetching and database operations.
  • routes.js file contains routes required to get the data from the Database.
  • package.json file contains project metadata and dependencies for the backend.

Setup Instructions

To run this project on your local machine, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository_url>
  2. Install dependencies for both frontend and backend:
    • For frontend: navigate to the frontend folder and run npm install.
    • For backend: navigate to the backend folder and run npm install.
  3. Configure the MongoDB database connection in the backend's server.js file.
  4. Run the backend server:
    • Navigate to the backend folder and run npm start.
    • The backend server will start running on http://localhost:5000.
  5. Run the frontend application:
    • Navigate to the frontend folder and run npm start.
    • The frontend application will open in your browser at http://localhost:3000, automatically connecting to the backend server.

Note: Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please feel free to reach out to me.