
A small python script which lets you view people's Join Date, Last Seen and Profile name . with others cookies ;)

Primary LanguagePython


A small python script which lets you: ..* View Last Seen ..* View Join Date ..* View Profile name of the people who have added the victim to their favourites. (You need their phone numbers though)

#Grabbing The Cookie *We need a user identification cookie , which helps us make requests to the Hike API server. One can use any packet capture utility and find the following request -

GET /v1/account/profile/<Phone NUmber> HTTP/1.1
retry-header: 1
User-Agent: android-
Cookie: user=***********; UID=*****-***
Cache-Control: no-transform
Host: api.im.hike.in
Connection: Keep-Alive
Accept-Encoding: gzip
  • we need the 'User' Cookie

#Configuring the Program

  • Replace the cookie we captured in place of the asteriks on line 6 in the PoC.py

#Using the program

  • Python PoC.py
  • Enter Phone Number
  • Magic !